The Blessing of the Right to Vote
Quote by Thomas Paine
“ I prefer peace! But if trouble must come, let it come
in my time, so that my children, can live in peace.”
It really is up to us, to vote with a very clear mind.
To vote to stop free speech is anything but kind!
To force a nation, to take unsafe vaccinations?
In our Republic, is purely, such mindless ruination.
Every legal citizen has a blessed right to vote.
Sneaking over borders, an illegal is no antidote.
America is a Republic not just a mere democracy.
And, yes, you can become rich, this is no aristocracy!
With guaranteed rights, we don’t live in anarchy
It is up to you to prevent any evil slaveogracy.
Caring citizens do vote to put another in office..
Wrong choices are their fault~so be very cautious!
Every voter should take their own moral inventory!
Before casting excuses, and creating zany stories.
A sad scenario, if you boast that you don’t vote at all.
Don’t you know, you are contributing to the USA’s downfall?
@Panagiota Romios
Copyright © Panagiota Romios | Year Posted 2024
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