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The Birds and the Bees

To talk about ‘The Facts’ makes some parents put on a show, Hatching up answers to questions their children should know, Enduring the same fate as their elders from times long ago. “Babies,” Mommy says, “Come from a big cabbage patch. Indeed! A stork flies over to spot which cabbage to catch. Risking it all, she swoops down for the bundle in just one snatch.” Dad then pipes in, “Not to pick just any, the cabbage must match!” So it goes, as parents quickly warm to the stories they hatch. Anticipation of kids’ questions makes parents sweat rivers. Normally, Junior has never seen Mom so taken with shivers. Dad tries once more to describe just how the stork delivers. “There’s a time when a honeybee was tired from his weary flight, Having flown over too many cabbage fields with no honey in sight. Exactly that moment the stork also was searching with all of her might. Beautiful Stork and sweet Honeybee looked at the other and smiled, Exchanging information, they followed directions each had compiled. Eventually, the bee got to the hive and the stork found her precious child. Son, that’s the story about the birds and the bees flying high out in the wild.”

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 9/10/2010 9:19:00 AM
Congratulations on your win in my contest Virginia. Thank you for entering this very impressive poem. Love, Carol
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Date: 9/10/2010 7:54:00 AM
Finaly, an explanation for the "Cabbage Patch" baby dolls, Virginia. Congratulations on your success in Carol's contest. Love, Carolyn
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Date: 9/9/2010 11:02:00 PM
Virginia, Congratulations on winning with this unique and entertaining Acrostic. I enjoyed it!
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Date: 9/9/2010 10:40:00 PM
what a cute way to explain "birds and bees' Very imaginative. Congrats! Luv, Andrea
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Date: 9/9/2010 10:14:00 PM
Cute story Virginia. congratulations. Love, Joyce
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Date: 9/9/2010 6:56:00 PM
You have began well to set the theme of the poem. Congratulations on the win. Virginia
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Date: 9/9/2010 6:48:00 PM
cute one , congrats on your win
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Date: 9/9/2010 6:13:00 PM
Congratulations Virginia on your top ten winner circle poem. Agape, Moses
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Date: 9/9/2010 4:49:00 PM
Congrats Virginia on your super win in Carol's great contest.. an excellent entry .. enjoy your victory tonight with luv..
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Date: 8/8/2010 7:18:00 PM
You know, I heard so many stories about storks and birds and bees, that I was in high school before my big sister finally told me the whole story. This is delightful, Virginia, and brought back memories. My mother must have been one of those "sweating in rivers" because she couldn't bring herself to tell me the facts of life. EXCELLENT! Good luck in the contest! Love, Carolyn
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