The Beauty of Sunset
The skies with dancing clouds in shades
of blue, pink and gold,
All vibrant and bold.
Oh! What a breathtakingly beautiful sight.
The Beauty of Sunset is a magical transformation
from daylight.
The water in the lake mirrors the changing colours,
Giving a sense of calm and inner peace,
Birds overhead singing their final song, a form of grace,
As they return to rest at the end of their day.
And in awe, I witnessed, today fading slowly away,
soon to be another yesterday.
The beauty of Sunset, a sense of wonder,
one of life's simple pleasures,
Giving moments of joy the memory will always remember and treasure.
So, let us pause and take it all in, for the beauty
of Sunset’s display is one of nature’s finest arts.
It’s a gift and a reminder to appreciate and cherish
each day with gratitude and a grateful heart.
Copyright © Zyrool Gifford | Year Posted 2024
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