That Word Concur:
The word concur
Really grates my skin,
If there was a competition
For the most pompous word
It would surely win!
Don't get me wrong
I'm certain it has its place,
It's just not a word
For me in any case.
To be used condescendingly
Would be about it,
But if it showed its face
In its eye, I would spit.
Thankfully I pray it is not
Used that frequently,
And in the English language
It should remain to be.
But what really annoys me
About the word so much,
That it's generally used
By those out of touch.
Out of the mouths of politicians
I hear it being used,
And after all, we know
They are the most confused.
So next time someone says
The words "I concur,"
Inform them immediately
They need a brain transfer!
For Frank's contest.
Copyright © White Wolf | Year Posted 2017
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