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Tender Start, Beautiful End

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Larval Cocoon Web - Free photo on Pixabay

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*Image of an ivory cocoon extended home provided by Pixabay. Tender Start, Beautiful End Poetic Forms: Concrete First betold, for here are the I's, it's not that we're parentless, merely, multi-births scared dad from the onset, then afterward, mom just left us to be all alone, albeit, generations embedded in our birthright prepared us toward our indubious fate that had enlightened our renewable bodies as we perpetually grow older from every magical consequence that presents itself as we begin to age. Initially, we each became knowledgeable through adaptation and not adoption as time was our mortal adversary and a neverending necessity for sustenance, demands that we must separate from the full collective in order that we survive the ordeal that we anticipate in our onward push being distinct existences instinctively well- equipped, both --defensively, and slightly, offensively. Left to my own devices, it is my lot in life that I found myself far removed from my birthplace, moving ever forward, tick-tock chimes away, solely legging in the here and now, lollygagging my procrastinating self, being fashionably late in my stage of brevity, as youth-fully facing my new life apart. Being amply content by the life I have held, traversing various hindrances during my ups and downs into that apparent, topsy-turvy realm that oddly aided my struggles as I have hosted numerous prying eyes being drawn via my vulnerable youthful self, also, I am considerably creepy ... dealt naught with a bad hand, simply, a difficult one -- that includes the joker, facing everyday hurdles traversing to and fro, solely to angulate my means with a moral opportunity just to persevere. Now it's time for me to settle down as ... "I did my bit for king and country", I found a nice niche, rather partially built in this towering high-rise with a panoramic vista of the distant countryside just yon the lea, so busy as a beaver, to work I go for my future home is just inside my grasp ... I tinker around, unconcerned, as my inherent skills guide onwards ... natural impulses hither me about in a world where time lives on -- my ancestor's fervent belief's has been reincarnation from the get-go and now that I have, in our standards, matured -- tired now, I will close my door and lock me in this ivory tower -- old, fatigued, plus sleepy -- my dreamscape awaits for its next pilot. ~~ "BRB with a pupa update!" 2021 April 25 *1st Place* ALL YOURS (APR 30) ~~Brian Strand: Judged 2021 May 01 *2nd Place* Your best free verse so far this year ~~John Hamilton: Judged 2021 April 26

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 5/8/2021 9:04:00 AM
Congratulations on your well thought brilliantly described full of feelings and imagery winning poem
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Hilo Poet
Date: 5/8/2021 10:27:00 AM
I am grateful for your wondrous expressions, Frances, thank you, Aloha!
Date: 5/2/2021 10:34:00 AM
Wonderful poem with great imagery, William, congratulations on your to win. Hugs Eve
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Hilo Poet
Date: 5/2/2021 11:11:00 AM
I appreciate your thoughtfulness, Eve, thank you, Aloha!
Date: 5/1/2021 11:20:00 PM
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Hilo Poet
Date: 5/1/2021 11:45:00 PM
Thank you and Aloha!
Date: 5/1/2021 9:40:00 PM
Nice Title, Nice Poem, Nice Form. BIG CONGRATS to win TOP. Blessings
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Hilo Poet
Date: 5/1/2021 9:48:00 PM
You are a good soul, Anisha, thank you, Aloha!
Date: 4/27/2021 2:48:00 PM
wow, formatting and message. All are superb. Big congrats, William
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Hilo Poet
Date: 4/27/2021 3:02:00 PM
Thanks, Andrea, as my day brightens my friend, Aloha!
Date: 4/27/2021 10:02:00 AM
Congratulations on your win. WOW!!! What a story/write. Love It. Your pen was writing overtime on this wonderful write. Have a blessed day..................
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Hilo Poet
Date: 4/27/2021 12:09:00 PM
I am beyond words, Paula, for your exceeding care that you've placed in your words my friend, Aloha!
Date: 4/27/2021 8:38:00 AM
Thanks William for a wonderful entry, I did not consider this to be over 40 lines as many were very short, congrats on a great write and win!
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Hilo Poet
Date: 4/27/2021 12:01:00 PM
Thanks for your bigheartedness, John, tolerating my naïve action with the given placement, Aloha!
Date: 4/26/2021 11:14:00 PM
So impressive. Congratulations.
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Hilo Poet
Date: 4/27/2021 12:13:00 AM
Thanks kindly, Marilene, Aloha!
Date: 4/26/2021 10:37:00 AM
This is phenomenal work, William, that must have taken a long time and lots of rewriting to accomplish. Fantastic! Awesome! I am envious!
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Hilo Poet
Date: 4/26/2021 11:41:00 AM
It pleases me to no end, Milt, that my efforts gave purpose thanks to you my friend, Aloha!

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