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Written on August 6, 2023
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do." – Helen Keller
Sunflowers spin pretty stories
Inviting quiet dreams, growing
Memories, prayed in allegories
Portrayed by hearts knowing…
The wise old owl isn’t wise
When it loses its life to greed
Never heeding God’s advice
To always give to those in need
The sly old fox isn’t truly sly
Spending its time stealing life
From critters not ready to die
Gentle creatures without strife
The hungry bear never hugs
Instead bringing fear to souls
Refusing to live on slugs and bugs
Deepest forest paths are their patrols
Sunflowers are brightest gold
Born beneath cobalt skies who show
Despite their beauty, they still get old
Proving that everything dies, even so…
Because of the brightest Son
We can live forever in paradise
When all our lives are said and done,
We’ll meet the One who paid the price…
For everlasting life with Him
Who loved us more than we deserve
We sing of Him in every hymn,
Forever loving – I’ll always serve…
The greatest flower, the shining Son
This is the beautiful that won’t be outdone!
Copyright © Regina Mcintosh | Year Posted 2023
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