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Summer's End

With brew in hand, I step into a dew laden atmosphere that lies beneath a veil of grey, through which a huge, radiating circle of red rises and burns a hole, allowing the true colors of the day to seep through. Streams of blue, bleed through the green needles of the pines, as I sip my morning coffee and marvel at the crystal pinwheel patterns spun during the night, that now hang from my weather beaten fence. In a melancholy breeze, I watch through cloudy eyes, a few leaves falling from the Crimson Kings, exposing the empty Robin’s nest I watched a Robin build - it seems - not so long ago, as I wonder through years gone by. Across the way, where it seems only yesterday, I gazed at green pastures, I now gaze at fields of Queen Ann Lace, Golden Rods, Purple Asters and Scottish Thistles. When did, and how did all this happen? How quickly life goes by! The sky above me turns black, as a flock of Starlings, swoop and sway and turn as one, before landing in the trees along the railroad track, breaking the silence with their deafening cries of summer's end, as a tear falls from my eye. Author: Elaine Cecelia George, of Canada Written: August 30, 2013

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 4/20/2014 6:13:00 PM
I beautiful story in verse!!!
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Date: 10/30/2013 12:09:00 PM
your poem is mighty nice... <3 SKAT
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Date: 10/29/2013 11:53:00 AM
Elaine, such a nice win... congrats...PD
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Date: 10/27/2013 6:29:00 PM
Ccongratulations on a great poem about losing summer. Hope you have a nice warm, long fall. Congratulations. Love, Joyce
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Date: 8/31/2013 5:21:00 PM
Love how you got the tear in at the end. I feel exactly the same at summer's end. You too are a gifted writer, dear. I remember when I first came here, you were one of my very favorites and it's awesome to see you back here.
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Date: 8/31/2013 9:49:00 AM
sad i feel good luck for the contest
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Date: 8/30/2013 7:47:00 PM
Nice interesting and expressive thought on summer,
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Date: 8/30/2013 12:57:00 PM
beautiful write....the emotion at summers end can be so sad
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Date: 8/30/2013 11:27:00 AM
... yes, you are right .... Summer is over for this time, one year to the next ... (so sad.. a tear falls from my eye to ) - Fall is beautiful .... but I love the spring and summer. - In Norway, the winter is loooong and cold. - Thank you for a beautiful poem - I hope your weekend will be nice,Elaine . - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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Date: 8/30/2013 11:23:00 AM
† Hi Elaine, Very Beautiful This Colour Splashed Of Picturesque Canvas. Like Dorothy Gail Stepping From Her Threshold Beyound The Rainbow's Edge Where What Was Is Met By What Shall Forever Be, More Than Merely A Dream, At Summer's End * Love, John
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