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Life has a meaning if you wake up from stupor Procrastination will not help you achieve goal days pass, years waste away, making you a loser wake up before time takes a worst turn, death bells toll When there was nothing there was God who created A beautiful and pristine world for man to live Be a vicegerent and protect the ill-treated To be kind towards all to forget and forgive Work to live, live to work is a motto well served Stupor belongs to the Devil, fans his ego Some rest after a day's hard work is well-deserved Work without required sleep results in vertigo So, wake up from ever deadly stupor my friend Take up unfinished tasks to give meaning to life It's never too late for an evil soul to mend If not, words of evil and slander will be rife

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 1/18/2024 11:28:00 AM
Great poem is about the importance of waking up from a state of inactivity or stupor and taking action to live a meaningful life. The language in the poem is straightforward and uses fine diction to convey its message. You use literary devices such as alliteration in "wake up from stupor" and "years waste away," as well as metaphors such as "stupor belongs to the Devil." The use of religious imagery, such as references to God and the Devil, adds depth to the poem's message. Well done
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Farookh Avatar
MB Farookh
Date: 1/21/2024 2:59:00 AM
Thank you Sotto Poet. I loved your analysis. In India, where I live, which is not a native English-speaking country people are still not into metaphors and figures of speech. I wanted this specific poem to be read and understood by most Indians on the different sites I had posted. Your insightful comment is highly appreciated. Thank you once again.
Date: 1/18/2024 11:23:00 AM
Interesting lines penned. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Sara K
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Farookh Avatar
MB Farookh
Date: 1/21/2024 3:02:00 AM
Thank you Sara, nice to see you here. I'm glad you liked my effort.

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