Stupid Is As Stupid Does
1. To save the environment, lets blow up an oil rig and dump 200,000 gallons of oil
in the ocean and kill ocean life...sound like a plan my fellow environmentalist?
Yeah lets show them!!
2. Jump on somebody that I don't know just cause I won't have to answer to my
friends tomorrow, for my stupidity. Call them a few choice names because I am a
shallow, narrow minded person and laugh like I have conquered terrorism.
3. Sit on a limb that I am sawing away from a tree...
4. there is a law about to be passed that makes it illegal to ride in the left lane
except to pass... Lets think about this...interstates have 4-6 lanes if all the cars had
to stay in the right lane, It would take forever for everyone to get to work...duh!!
Just some thoughts to ponder...
Copyright © Doris Culverhouse | Year Posted 2010
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