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Star People

Orson Welles did an adaptation of "The War of the Worlds" book written by HG Wells, on Halloween Night Oct 30,1938. It aired over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. Directed by actor and future filmmaker Orson Wells. It was an American radio drama through the Mercury Theatre on the Air. It was a news bulletin for the first 40 minutes suggesting an Alien Invasion, by Martians. Causing real mass panic through out some areas that people were listening. The listening audience thought it was real, when it was not. ________________________________________________________________________ A farmer and his wife listening to the Broadcast. "All my God Phyllis grab the shotgun and make sure it's loaded!" "The Martians, the Star People, their craft has crashed and exploded!!" "I think I saw one out there in the dark!!" "For heaven sake Carl, lets hurry and get in the car!!" "I'm not going out there forget the car!!" "They have Ray guns hon, we wouldn't make it so far!!" "I'm so scared Carl you think they will hurt us!?" "I don't know Phyllis, it's in God we trust." " I heard noises coming from the roof!" "Oh my God Carl, what are you going to do?" "If I see one I am shooting to kill!" "Stay here Phyllis and sit still!" "Your going to leave me here by myself, no Carl stay inside!?" "I have to go and shoot that alien Phyllis, right between the eyes!!" Carl ran out the door and much to to his surprise. Up on the roof there was a Raccoon, with big eyes. Carl now realized what he had seen. Embarrassed to tell his wife Phyllis, he smiles, still scared, but with a grin. Just then over the Radio Phyllis hears. "This is not a real event, were sorry for bringing so much fear." Phyllis grabbed the radio after hearing the news. In front of Carl she smashed the Radio in two!!!! _____________________________________________________________________ Through out the Country people were terrorized. Those Star People had made an impact!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 10/14/2022 12:10:00 PM
The masses did not know any better. A very funny write. How embarrassing for those who believe falsehoods…still many lies today and people will believe.
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Michael Tor
Date: 10/15/2022 3:55:00 PM
Yes Kim your so correct.
Date: 9/18/2020 1:01:00 AM
I love the dialogue between farmer & wife! What a relief at the end of it all!! Regards // paul
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Michael Tor
Date: 9/18/2020 4:09:00 PM
Thank you Paul , it is incredible that this really happened with Orson Welles. I can only imagine how those folks must have felt thinking we were being invaded. Thanks Paul for your gracious visit my friend.
Date: 12/21/2015 9:27:00 PM
Really like how you went about this, very organized, well written, creative. Good luck in the contest.
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Michael Tor
Date: 12/22/2015 4:06:00 PM
Thank you Susan. It was fun doing. I really like writing and bringing in humor. Thanks for visiting Susan. Have a wonderful Christmas if I don't hear from you before the Holiday.
Date: 12/21/2015 9:29:00 AM
You did this so well. Yes, that broadcast had thousands thinking it a real event. Solid 7 on creativity and impact of this poem. Good luck in that contest. A7
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Michael Tor
Date: 12/21/2015 1:18:00 PM
Hey Robert thank you Sir for stopping by. I also thank you for you valued observation. Yes lots of people that it was real.
Date: 12/21/2015 2:15:00 AM
I've read about that and while we may think it is bizarre today at the time it would have been very credible. I like how you have explored this. Well done sir!
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Michael Tor
Date: 12/21/2015 6:15:00 AM
Thank you Mark. It was very credible and it shocked many. It was a great event. Thanks for visiting, have a safe Holiday my friend.

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