Sprinkles of Truth
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Squatter pulse rates purvey hoarder rain,
Blood drips, heaving, flipping the veins hole.
Shaping an abyss in your nearest chain,
In the dusk, you can hear raindrops on the tole.
Blood drips, heaving, flipping the veins hole,
You expect a reply as you hear and embrace.
In the dusk, we can hear driblets on the tole,
You sink into the gloom with its tune chase.
You expect a reply as you hear and embrace,
In the water, we will be exposing gaps of refuge.
You sink into the gloom with its tune chase,
In the gaps amid hurried swing and deluge.
In the water, we will be exposing gaps of refuge,
Blue and silver waves echo in the bland brine.
In the gaps amid hurried swing and deluge,
Painful and subtle, disclose an anxious whine.
Blue and silver waves echo in the bland brine,
We can spot underlying stream dysmorphia.
Painful and subtle, disclose an anxious whine,
Under the decent ripples of life lies dyspraxia.
We can spot underlying stream dysmorphia,
Shaping an abyss in your nearest chain.
Under the decent ripples of life lies dyspraxia,
Squatter pulse rates purvey hoarder rain.
Written: October 1st, 2022
Copyright © Sotto Poet | Year Posted 2022
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