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Sounds That Animals Make

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On this farm where creatures roam, Their voices echo, close to home. Each day they make a symphony of sounds, Growls, hums, and tweets each morn go round The crow’s caw of warnings bold, A tale of strength in whispers told. While the owl's hoots can be scary or low, Wisdom is shared with those who know. Whip-poor-will calls before first light again, Twilight's whip-poor-will, whip-poor-will refrain And the cricket sings their sweet chirp, A serenade for the summer’s rain by Euterpe. The dog barks with joyous glee, A welcoming sound for you and me. The cat purrs , content and still, A gentle rhythm, calm and chill. The horse neighs with grace and might, A call to close communion day or night. The cow moos softly, peaceful and kind, A comforting sound as friends of mind. The bird sings with vibrant cheer, Melodies that draw us to listen and hear The frog croaks in rhythmic beat, A tune that makes us feel defeat The bear growls, a warning sign, A reminder of the wild within. Yet each creature has its own voice, A unique sound, a choice to rejoice. So, listen as you close your eyes, And hear the music that never dies. In this world of animals’ sound A beauty lies, waiting to be found

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 9/13/2024 11:47:00 PM
Enjoyed reading your beautifully rhyming poem, dear Sara. "Yet, each creature has its own voice, A unique sound, a choice to rejoice. " Yes, indeed. In the hush of morning and evening, we can listen to so many sounds of birds and beasts which are so musical and energizing!
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Kendrick Avatar
Sara Kendrick
Date: 9/14/2024 3:40:00 AM
Thank you, Valsa. I appreciate the visit and taking time to read and comment on my work. Yes, God's animal creation adds so much sound and joy to our lives. Sara K
Date: 9/11/2024 1:12:00 AM
immersive poem. There is a crow that caws near my window every morning. Its very annoying :)
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 9/11/2024 3:32:00 AM
Yes, those crows' caws can be annoying, mostly they are warning each other of danger. The look out has heard or seen something that could kill one of the murder. Thanks for dropping by and leaving such a nice comment. Sara K
Date: 9/7/2024 6:34:00 AM
So many sounds of nature and what surrounds it, i love the way youv used these words and also how it flows so well while painting such creative imagery! Pleasure reading this brilliant write! Sending you light always
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 9/7/2024 1:30:00 PM
Why, thank you, I E. I appreciate the visit and time spent here. Your visit is a delight. Sara K
Date: 9/6/2024 2:59:00 PM
This is just an appreciative awakening to life in the farm - so peaceful and dreamy. Thanks for posting, jjote
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 9/6/2024 4:37:00 PM
Why, thank you, Josefina. I appreciate the visit. Sara K

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