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Someone To Love

Someone to Love Sweet little ragdoll with tar button eyes do you see your worth, when the little ones cry? Can you feel their hearts lighten, at your faded yarn smirk? Or sense how you're cherished, when the world grows dark? Sweet little ragdoll of sackcloth and tweed do you love them back in their moments of need? How broken are we, that you do what we should? What has happened to childhood? Tiny hands hug you; they squeeze you so tight do you squeeze them back in the deep veil of night, to offer assurance that someone is there; that in this existence, someone still cares? Oh, little ragdoll, all tattered and worn thank you for all the shared burdens you’ve borne. Thank you for staying so close by their sides, and seeing no child who's unworthy of your quiet comfort, and unceasing love. 4/6/16 Submitted for Contest: It Shouldn't Hurt to be a Child Hosted by: Becca Teagan

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 5/26/2016 9:37:00 PM
I like it a lot The Grahamburglar. Simply beautiful. ...Fran
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Date: 5/22/2016 5:10:00 PM
This poem is sad, and tearful, yet comforting and soulfully touching! The pain the real child must have felt, clutching a rat brought tears to my eyes, I read your comment on what provoked you to right such the need of a child! Your poem moved me in a very sad emotional way! Your talent is brilliant, and your words evoke such deep emotions of the human heart! Congratulations on this remarkable work of art! I am a fan of your work, I will de keep reading your poems! Brilliant, just breathtaking!
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Date: 5/8/2016 3:17:00 PM
A touching write, -G! Those tiny hands, the small arms...I'm not sure if I wish to smile or weep. My validate letters on the right are YEN...a craving, an urge, much like what is depicted in this write. Makes me feel quiet and humbled. Best wishes, Mikki
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Date: 5/5/2016 1:14:00 PM
This is is fine piece with soul-reaching quality. I love this so much
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Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/5/2016 6:07:00 PM
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, Funom. I appreciate it.
Date: 5/4/2016 8:28:00 AM
I really liked reading this Graham. A rag doll can indeed bring much comfort to a happy child..even more a sad one.Welcome back.
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Grahamburglar Avatar
The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/5/2016 6:06:00 PM
I saw an image once of a poverty-stricken child hugging a dead rat. It broke my heart. I don't know anything about the context of what was going on, but what I saw, was a child hugging a dear friend, or a favorite toy. I think we forget how real our friendship with our toys used to be when we were kids.
Date: 5/3/2016 3:45:00 PM
Too bad so many HM"s and not many GOOD wins .This was amazing. Full of deep thought that was expressed so intelligently. Have I faved you yet? If not, it's about TIME for it.
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The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/3/2016 4:44:00 PM
I'm really bad at reading the contest winners when they come out, so I don't really know how they stacked up. This particular topic seems like one that could be pretty emotional and difficult to write about artistically. The easy path would be to go for shock value, I was really trying to avoid that...anyway, thank you for stopping by, and I appreciate your kind feedback.
Date: 5/2/2016 8:04:00 AM
I have not read many from this contest but I can honestly tell you I am impressed with this one.
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The Grahamburglar
Date: 5/2/2016 8:36:00 PM
Thanks, Richard. -G
Date: 4/14/2016 10:15:00 PM
The Grahamburglar, congratulations on the honorable mention of your poem. Linda
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