Someone In a Fog is Hurting
Once upon a porcelain diving,
At the dawn of my arriving,
I heard something silly croaking,
In the tub where I was soaking,
Cautiously I caught him sneaking,
To the spot where he was peeking,
Skinny-dipping in my bubbles,
Tripping me on all my troubles,
Said the creature, to my sorrow,
Love is here and gone tomorrow,
Don’t be shy and shorn of laughter,
Just one kiss is all I’m after,
Then I said, as I was soggy,
Heaven help a hapless froggy,
If my kiss will make you royal,
Will you miss me and be loyal?
If my heart is true and tethered,
Will my love for you be measured?
In the grass or in the clover,
Will my search for you be over?
Then I saw my true love aching,
With a heart that I was breaking,
When you think a frog is flirting,
Someone in a fog is hurting.
Copyright © Bryan Norton | Year Posted 2023
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