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So Fine

Grinds so fine. Keep steep steady. Catch ev’ry nitty gritty. Screen darkness dregs. Press, add water. Start ebonic eddy. Stir ‘nilla cream, bright and witty. Chat with friends so fine. Keep.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 6/25/2024 6:35:00 PM
Ah, wow- I drink so much coffee, lol- loved this
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Rodrigues Avatar
Kim Rodrigues
Date: 6/25/2024 6:43:00 PM
Love that you loved this! Thanks, Paige, for reading my poetry! I so appreciate you, my friend!
Date: 6/25/2024 3:53:00 PM
Great poem Kim! I love coffee, but because of my stomach, I only drink it when I need to be smart for a job interview.
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Kim Rodrigues
Date: 6/25/2024 4:58:00 PM
Thank you! Sorry about your stomach. It happens.
Date: 6/25/2024 1:27:00 PM
I don't like coffee but I bet coffee lovers will drink this up! heehee. Anything that is an excuse to chat with friends rocks!!
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Kim Rodrigues
Date: 6/25/2024 5:00:00 PM
LOL…yes, some things bring us together for a chat. My 18 year old granddaughter is visiting so I made her coffee and whipped up the cream…better than Starbucks!
Date: 6/25/2024 9:32:00 AM
A good poem. It is good to have coffee with friends. I liked this poem.
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Kim Rodrigues
Date: 6/25/2024 5:00:00 PM
Yes, it is! Thank you, Hilda!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things