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Snow White 2016- Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time In a vast kingdom of Modern land Oddly not in a far far a way suburban Was there a pretty girl Prettier than the Venus, some claimed Softer than petals of rose, maids alleged She was skinny, not eating much Her maintenance fee were low you might have thought Her skin softened by Elizabeth Arden moisturizing cream Her lips were pumped with filling injections so sleek Red and juicy, arranged to be kissed By the charming prince’s scruffy skin Her eyes were bright with different shades of green Evidently with the help of her favorite optometrist Botox was her real friend next to her phone To hide the frown lines even on her jawbones Her dad had a heart stroke and sadly he died They say natural cause, I’d say coming upon bills of cosmetic route Stepmother being mean and nasty as narrators always would define Didn’t pay for this nonsense no more, how unpleasant of her soul Snow White of course slammed the door and left all behind To seven guys for funding, as one she knew could never oblige Dwarfs dug out diamonds day and night all the time Their axes broke, their body became excessively sore Grumpy was forced to take some anger management class Sleepy went on anxiety pills so he could have a nap Happy was no longer jolly, struggled with sever depression Bashful forgot to be shy burst out at the end of the day “We don’t want you here, please go back to where you descended to us! Not even our diamonds can suffice this crazy course.” evicted Snow white got a job at McDonald’s Was grateful for every penny she gradually grossed Real life is not about looks or pricy fashion What dwells inside us has a greater passion Nobody is expecting us to look like some cover girl image God is smiling at our curves and flaws, take courage You are beautiful just the way you naturally are Won’t you love my big nose and squared jaws? Feb 3, 2016 "I wrote this for the Once Upon a Time" contest but realized later that Snow White wasn't included in the theme... So here I am.. (With minor amnesia, I guess). Hope that you will like it :)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 2/3/2016 3:01:00 PM
ha ha ha Rahy this is so funny - i love the updated version shame its not for the contest it really made me laugh:-) hugs Jan xx7
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Rahy Hy
Date: 2/4/2016 7:28:00 AM
Thanks Jan... I am glad that it made you laugh. I think I am too old to remember the difference between Snow White and Sleeping Beauty :)Hugs, Rahy

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