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Six Man Dance

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Out in small town Texas, a handshake is a deal. Folks go to church on Sunday, say grace at every meal. Men open doors for ladies, kids say sir and ma'am. Boys can't wait to join the Corps, and serve their Uncle Sam. But if you were to go there, come autumn Friday nights the place might be deserted, when the whole darn town unites, upon a spread of hallowed ground, a grassy green expanse, to celebrate their civic pride and watch the six man dance. Now this dance is not for sissies, and I think you would agree if you knew a bit about a man by the name of Jack Pardee. Yep, they call it six man football, and they don’t get much acclaim. They don't play for scholarships, but for the glory of the game. Three up front and three in back, any lad can be the man to pass or catch or run the ball, and kick it if he can. A first down costs you fifteen yards; a field goal gets you four. You’ll hardly wait two minutes there before another score. Because for those without some speed, this game is not contrived, and if one team can't keep it up, they might get forty-fived. That's what they call the mercy rule, 'cause scoring is so fast. No point in running up the tab when one team is outclassed. So if you want a taste of life the way it used to be, where folks can trust each other and kids can still run free, and there’s a game where little fellers surely stand a chance, drive out to small town Texas, and watch the six man dance. © December 9, 2012

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 3/3/2015 12:01:00 AM
G'day Roy... Enjoyed the rhythm and great rhyme which makes the poem read like cantering on a horse. I've heard of gridiron but not the six man version. I follow a totally different sport; AFL. Thank you Roy - Lindsay
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Jerden Avatar
Roy Jerden
Date: 3/3/2015 9:53:00 AM
Thanks, Lindsay. I'm familiar with Australian Rules football, having watched it on TV a number of times. Glad you commented. I needed to move the notes for this poem to the bottom anyway since PS made some changes to the way they display.
Date: 10/19/2013 11:54:00 PM
Roy... CONGRATULATIONS:) on having your poem featured on the soups HOME PAGE. Goodnight poet friend <3 =)LINDA
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Date: 10/16/2013 9:06:00 PM
I enjoyed this one bunches! I've been to several 6-man games here in North Texas. Really fast paced. My neighbor was an all-state player for the Jayton Jaybirds. I think I'll send him a copy just for fun! RAY
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Date: 6/15/2013 7:23:00 AM
This content is very good! Try to take a swing at the same content in Free Verse keep this and send me the rewrite, you could also try it as prose poetry just leave off the end rhyme. L & L
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Date: 3/7/2013 10:39:00 AM
Congratulations on your win Roy, smashing write xx
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Date: 3/6/2013 9:52:00 PM
ROY, ;-) congratulations with your sweet and awesome win, in my any poem goes contest. Good Night~ LINDA
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Date: 12/20/2012 1:43:00 PM
A very good poem, Roy. - Glad I chose your poem tonight. - Wishing you and your loved ones a peaceful and happy Christmas! - *** oxox / / Anne-Lise :) *** -
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Date: 12/16/2012 4:47:00 AM
Great tribute to this coach..Cancer the terrible enemy is at work again..Enjoyed reading your work..Sara
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Roy Jerden
Date: 12/16/2012 12:45:00 PM
Thanks, Sara!
Date: 12/12/2012 3:59:00 AM
WOW. Roy, to call this a “GEM” is an understatement! Your talent is so immense you make poetry look effortless. I’ll be waiting for your next one.
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Date: 12/9/2012 1:40:00 PM
Hi there Roy this is an absolute Gem the flow is perfection and just love the sound of the place xx
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Roy Jerden
Date: 12/9/2012 3:03:00 PM
Thanks, Mandy! Hope my reply is getting through! I see my comments, but not my replies. Can you send me a Soup Mail message if you see this? Cheers, Roy

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