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Should I Quit Being a Poet

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Written: September 1st, 2023 Would You Love Me If I Wasn't A Poet? Sponsored by: Silent One ______________________________________________________________ If my words lacked flow, unadorned, and dry, In the minds of those who mope and roam. Poetry purls and parades its philharmonic prose. If my ink dwindled, leaving pages bare. Should you still sense my soul's splendor? Where waltzing words entwine and endeavor Would you still cherish me sans the poet's guise? A stunning seemliness, a seraphic stake. Now, we anticipate this mutual toast. It's a tradition we've upheld, you and me. for countless years. However, what if I never compose? What if my verses abruptly cease? Will you still inure infatuation for me? If my words no longer intertwine? Will my verses strive to heave delight? Even if they lack their former bright? You offer unwavering support, truly! My muse is born from deep happiness. Delight in my dulcet discord—a deed Without your input, my words carry no value. It feels as if you favor my fantastic flexibility. Poetry is in my blood; that verity is obvious. Even if terms at times tangle. I'm afraid you'll amplify apathy one day. face futile files and fragmented facts Still, your urging ubiquity dulls my iniquity. A placid pithead packed with pride and purity.   Despite the ups and downs You ceaselessly stood by me. As my skills strive to strike success. You are my source of strength. In each verse I write, you praise My poems find solace in your gaze. But what if I stop being a poet? Will you cast a blind eye? Will my words still be worthwhile? If I can't glide amid the lyrical birds, I long for our ties to rise beyond rhyme. May our love defy the flow of time. You admire me beyond words. But your mate is utterly unattainable. Our steadfast solidarity supersedes art.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 9/13/2023 12:15:00 PM
Never quite being a poet my friend, I think you would die from boredom.. You are sensational poet and I am so happy you were inspired by my contest... Your poem is full of poetic verses questioning the adversities of poetic love.. you described it so well.. with questions like: However, what if I never compose? What if my verses abruptly cease? Will you still inure infatuation for me? If my words no longer intertwine? Will my verses strive to heave delight? Even if they lack their former bright?
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Sotto Poet
Date: 9/13/2023 12:21:00 PM
Dear, Silent One, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for your act of honoring my poem by including it in your top contest winners. I cannot express enough how amazed I am by your thoughtfulness and generosity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for recognizing my work and for being such an incredible individual.
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Silent One
Date: 9/13/2023 12:16:00 PM
Brilliant poetry Sotttto poet.
Date: 9/13/2023 8:44:00 AM
Your words carry a lofty beauty.. they rise to heights and dimensions beyond measure! The choice of your diction is impressive! The whole poem flows naturally to flood the soul with amazement as the blood that circulates in the body to bring to it life and vibration! Poetry in your veins as you said it.. The spontaneity of the alliteration added a lot of musicality and magic! You are a poet to be admired for who you are and for what you create! Your muse will undoubtedly "admire you beyond words"! Dear Lasaad, Congratulations on the top placement! And I am the one blessed to share with you such honour! Thank you so much for what you are adding to our world.. God bless you. My deepest regards.
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Date: 9/2/2023 11:58:00 PM
Ok, I am about to go and delete my worthless entry to the competition. After reading your incredible verse, it isn't fit to wrap fish and chips. Lasaard this is such a stunning creation it oozes captivating, mesmerizing, splendor. Not only for your own prowess but for the one that supports you. Of course a Favorite.
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Date: 9/2/2023 3:55:00 AM
This poem left me speechless! Truly the way you’ve phrased lines, so profound and those rhymes always so artistic and captivating! I absolutely love the alliterations in this, they flow seamlessly and not forced at all. Poetry purls and parades and can see poetry just is within you in your blood , it is evident. This is so romantic, heartfelt and so beautiful how you’ve expressed and the depth of every line just left me in awe. You truly are a gifted poet. the best iv read for this prompt. BOL
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Date: 9/2/2023 1:54:00 AM
Great title and poem!
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Date: 9/1/2023 5:13:00 PM
Wow your free verse is out of this world, Sotto. I bet this one places high
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Date: 9/1/2023 3:54:00 PM
Like the ancient prophet Jeremiah, the (poetic) word burns in our hearts. I don't think we can ever truly stop. Exquisite, as akways
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