She's Gonna Blow
I never really had the heart
To tell her from the very start
The odor tears my world apart
When she lets out a nasty fart
Like late at night she’ll let one slip
At times it is a roaring rip
Beneath the covers I will flip
My fingers to my nose they grip
When then there is the silent poof
That melts the shingles on the roof
You think I jest, I have the proof
I smell it, I am not aloof
Where some are like a bugle call
You hear them halfway down the hall
It really does no good at all
To walk, to run or even crawl
You never know what is in store
She farts at church and at the store
She even farts down at the shore
Don’t know if I can take much more
But honestly I love her so
And I could never let her know
Oh crap, it’s time for me to go
Get out of here, she’s gonna blow
For the: May The Gas Be With You Farts Part 2 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Chantelle Anne Cooke
Copyright © Chris Green | Year Posted 2021
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