She Might
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She Might
She might let you hold her hand
and laugh at all your jokes.
She might introduce her friends
and let you meet her folks.
She might let you hold her tight
and give in to romancing.
Or lay her head upon your chest
in the middle of slow dancing.
She might share her dreams with you
or cry and fall apart.
But she won't fall in love with you
until you touch her heart.
She might call you on the phone
and talk to you all night.
Or check on you out of the blue
to make sure you're alright.
She might stand there by your side
when things are going wrong.
She might scold you when away
and say you're gone too long.
She might treat you like a king
right from the very start.
But she won't fall in love with you
until you touch her heart.
Edwin C Hofert
Copyright © Edwin Hofert | Year Posted 2015
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