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Shakers and Stirrers

SHAKERS AND STIRRERS To illuminate the extraordinary goings-on in our so tense and deeply twilit terrestrial sphere, it is necessary to take a long and unhurried celestial view, one stemming from the stars as it were. As a bare minimum, observers should note the presence of a perhaps quite small number of shakers and stirrers, mixers maybe, groups of men whose secret and sole purpose is to seed chaos, stymying able mens’ best efforts. Man is imaginative, a mover and creator, one who sees a problem, then a myriad solutions, who sees mud as an opportunity, never a mire; someone willing, who can and does shape his own destiny. Good men, who see much, are also blind, for they find it hard to ascribe destructive motives to the bad of their kind. (Challenge words : illuminate extraordinary tense terrestrial twilight celestial stars minimum presence)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 5/15/2012 9:44:00 PM
DEEP one, and so true about how good men cannot realize how bad the bad can be. Very nice philosophy style poem. I see you joined in JAn. I don't think I ever knew!!
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Date: 5/13/2012 5:14:00 AM
Alan well written and probably true..David
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