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Shaggy Dog Limericks V

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Toller) To “toll” is to dance like a fox Luring mallards or teals to the rocks Where a hunter’s awaiting What the dog has been baiting Scaring duckies right out of their jocks The Old English Sheepdog I’m partial to dogs that are shaggy That are goofy and sweet and not naggy They only see good From their eyes under hood So it’s sad that their tails aren’t waggy* *Like Boxers, their tails are docked The Papillon Considered more missy than mensch (Butterfly’s the translation from French) In private is seen With a king or a queen And in public with Dame Judi Dench The Pekingese At a Cantonese restaurant with luck One can still find some things for a buck But imagine my shock When the place down the block Ran a special on Pekingese duck The Petite Basset Griffon Vendéen (PBGV) Le Basset tres Petite Vendéen Un Griffón compagnon de Cézanne Et Renoir en Provence *Comme ils lounge lors d’une danse On the grass with a glass of Marsanne (*As they lounge during a dance) The Pit Bull The Pitty despite what you hear Is not vicious at all but quite dear It will sit like a dove With its eyes full of love While it slowly devours your ear The Pomeranian (Pom) The Pom is a kind of a spitz A Chihuahua with fur in a ditz The type of a pooch You can cuddle and smooch Or show off with a date at the Ritz The Poodle The Poodle is known for its smarts For excelling at music and arts But an owner was telling Me after the smelling They also blow nuclear farts The Portuguese Water Dog Pity the poor Portuguese Who ended up sheets to the breeze His bowl had been spiked With a port that he liked You could tell by the smell of his fleas The Pug Behold the repug-a-nant Pug With a mug that resembles a thug Though their owners observe What they really deserve Is not scorn but a cuddling hug The Rhodesian Ridgeback I bought one of these for a dollar It said Phi Beta Kap on its collar I later found out (Though not without doubt) It had been a Rhodesian scholar

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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