Shadow Warrior
Off the case! Why am I off the Red Light case?
Not that Rodney, this Shadow killer case.
I am letting homicide head that one up, It's not Vice,
Captain, when a prostitute is attacked and her pimp gets
whacked, No pun intended, that makes id Vice doesn't it?
" Rodney, just what do you know about this case?
Captain, from the evidence I've seen, what we have here
is from all indications, a modern day Samuari Shogun
with a very sharp sword called a Katana. This person knows
how to use it, and so far only on bad guys who like hurtin
women. So far only at night, comes in quiet takes care of
business and goes out quiet very quiet and virtually unseen.
Anyway you slice it, their dead and bloody
" Just what in the name of Judas is a Samuari
Shogun person you are talking about Rodney"?
Well Cap'n a Samuari Shogun is from Japan, old Japan
Dresses all in black, with only the eyes visible and carries
a single edged sword. At night would appear to be a shadow
" How do you know all this Rodney"? Well I spoke to
the M.E. after he was done with the stiff and we looked
it up you know kinda like doin my job. Police work and all
Besides Cap'n, Homicide is short a couple of guys
and what they have left are well sort of green
they have only been here in homicide a couple years
Face it Cap'n they could use the help and we both know it,
I already got a leg or two up on this case anyway, ya know
" Rodney, I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll have a talk with
the Chief of Homicide and put in a word for you"
If he is ok with it, I'll let you go homicide on temporary
assignment, only temporary got it? we'll go from there"
Thanks Cap'n, can I go now I'm kinda bushed?
been up all night and all," Sure Rodney come in
in the morning and we'll see what homicide says
Brick went to his locker and put his things inside
everything but his weapon's and his shield.
Brick always carried a stow away on his right leg
After that Brick went to his desk to make sure
that his report was all in order so he could turn
it in, by this time it was one in the afternoon
Brick was ready to go home for some needed rest
as he walked out the front door he headed for the
subway, Brick didn't see the eyes watching him.
" Shogun"
Copyright © Richard Pickett | Year Posted 2010
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