Self Wealth Deficit
Wealth of two masters…
`Tis an amazing thing
One mysteriously an illusion…
Of the mind one is serpent
Though by the essence of the dove…
And by the power of love
That the soul of love
In the power of the dove…
Sows by the serpent of strife
The armageddon in life
In a strait betwixt twain
Fearful to depart
Foolish to remain…
Remaining vain begets the twain
Illusions that are unstable
Pretending to be life
Borrowing from Able
Giving Cain his knife
Living below heaven’s glow
Spreading the dog show
borrowing from Dove…
True wealth of Love…
Deficit pretends that China…
Is from above
Illusions shall wane
Reality shall remain
Deficit illusions vain
`Tis faith of a kind…
True wealth of a Master mind…
True particles of heavenly Adamantine
“No man can serve two masters”
“Mysterious Iniquity works self deficit”
(Matt. 6:24) (II Thes. 2:7 KJV)
Copyright © John Freeman | Year Posted 2011
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