Sanctity By the Sea
“Searching for personal exoneration, I found …”
A refuge by the sea
was calling to me
With dark clouds above
a heart forsaking love
It drew me in
despite guilt and sin
A sympathetic sanctuary inviting
as wind behind my back biting
Safe from the storms of my past
solitary reflection at last
Each move I make now without falter
my strength is renewed at this altar
I confess, I pray, I am forgiven
my doubts released in this heavenly haven
I rise, I turn, I walk back through its door
into a sunset so serene gracing the shore
Walking with lighter steps, my soul now open
cleansing of spirit allows me to live and love again
I look back but once to where I’ve been
And see my visit with faith really came from within
I reached inside myself to find
harmony of both my body and mind
Now I wander with belief in me
thanks to my ethereal encounter by the sea
Written by Shani Fassbender
For the contest "The Church by the Ocean"
Date written: September 23, 2011
Copyright © Shani Fassbender | Year Posted 2011
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