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Ruined My Life

Writing effortlessly and I faint first thought was dreamscape I can recall every single detail To the T. Twelve fenestra foggy glass, a paining of a woman, Egyptian, classy loft style apartment, with a fountain in the center, tree growing up and through the ceiling, at its base a pool for a fountain raining above, this is the only light source, an azure blue, light pulsing on the fountain edges, I don't scare easy, surrounded by coyotes I ran at them, Only two things have made me feel this way, I was in a shark cage and a great white appeared, baleful aura, best description, And here when a doppelgänger pops out playfully Giggling, sinister, fancy scarlet dress, lithe to body Like if I chose a life and became a model, For the dream lovers, here is the interesting part… At the time I am writing hardcore macabre, taboo dark stuff, it had obsidian eyes, kicker — it had silver eye-shine, That’s how I knew the fountain was the light source Was it moved the shine in her eyeballs My first thought was that’s too detailed…. For a dream… Followed by.. that’s too coherent A thought for a dream…. I was in the shark cage And I turned to run… Everything mirrors Perfectly I mean perfectly What was left is now right with excruciating detail Except now she has a knife, the fountain is red And pulsing one second intervals, she blows a kiss I wake up shaking like a leaf, and she is there In my home just staring at me… Doesn’t move.. She did this for 24+hrs… I remain calm-ish and I stare back, I stayed in my seat Dozed off and she was gone, but her eyes weren’t They were in every sliver of cabinets slowly opening Under every door And a new term I learn… Sweet nothing Just murmurs and whispers of… Horrible things And last day she tried to kill me… I am very… aggressive… I ripped her throat With my teeth… she had a look of surprise It was weird I then woke up again puking tar And in the mirror was her laughing I suffered thoughts of cannibalism and necromantic Four weeks after… I have been writing about rainbows and flowers Ever since that day — and I always will If you ask me what is was… I will tell you without hesitation and I don’t know why It was older and darker than demon

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 10/7/2024 12:23:00 PM
Omg this is so disturbing! My hands shake as I type. I believe in spiritual things in another dimension unseen by most until it's revealed. Flee from wickedness but we have been given power over every enemy (Luke 10:19). Because of that truth I don't scare easily either. But I have a healthy respect for it. This is so well written! Powerful! Xo
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