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Rooting For 8 To 5

The old oak stands straight, sturdy and tall I wonder what would happen, should it fall? A pillar stiff and cold through ages past It marks many a story held never told and in darkest shadows lies more to unfold. Contest Description 1/4/2017 hello soupers.. I’m back!... oh do quill a new poem in 5 LINES ONLY, each line MUST CONTAIN 8 WORDS, JUST 8 WORDS… excited?.. i am, so let’s light the creative fire using the concept : ROOTS... take this where your muse will lead you… just keep the whole content focused… creative flow, extraordinary imagery , and poetic substance would go a longgg way! ..too many filler words are not encouraged.. remember we only have 40 words to play with! the contest name is the title of your poem… kindly date your work and include this challenge so I’ll know it’s for me… categorize as VERSE... (rhyme or free verse is accepted)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 1/10/2017 4:03:00 PM
I really like how you did your poem for this contest. it's a standout! Congrats.
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Date: 1/9/2017 2:27:00 PM
a most reflective piece with a strong ending... congrats DM and thanks for joining..huggs
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things