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Rhubarb - Simply the Best

Having lived out in the country when I grew up near a farm in our large garden, we grew rhubarb large stocks of it, big as my arm My mother made loads of it we called it stewed rhubarb left it to cool before entering fridge then have a bowl of it with custard Since these childhood days I've always loved it so much but shops don't have it often so expensive now so rarely touch Sometimes now have it for breakfast putting it on top of my Special K pouring milk upon it so very lovely it gets me started right for the day It's a funny thing tasting rhubarb I don't like it at all as a jam but really love it so well stewed just don't eat it by the kilogram! (One of my favourite dishes is a bowl of stewed rhubarb especially at breakfast with Special K)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 8/13/2021 9:20:00 AM
I too enjoy stewed rhubarb and custard and rhubarb crumble and custard or with ice cream. I did have a patch of it. Enjoyed your poem Gordon which has got me thinking of growing it again. Emilia : )
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Mcconnell Avatar
Gordon Mcconnell
Date: 8/13/2021 11:44:00 AM
Thanks Emilia, Glad you enjoyed my piece and glad you're a lover of rhubarb like myself. We're able to get some on local supermarket every now and again to have with my breakfast dish. Hope you're doing well these days, blessings,Gordon
Date: 5/12/2021 4:04:00 PM
Gordon, I enjoyed reading your work. It has good flow and rhythm. I have only prepared rhubarb once. I had heard about it but my mother nor my husband's mother ever cooked with it. I saw some at the grocery store back in the day when I was young so I thought I will try it. I must have done something wrong in my preparation because we did not like it. Back then I did not have internet to see how to make a rhubarb pie but I had found a recipe for rhubarb and strawberry pie. Not so good. Sara
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Gordon Mcconnell
Date: 5/13/2021 8:51:00 AM
Thanks Sara, Glad you enjoyed my piece, rhubarb I suppose can be an acquired taste but there again what isn't? Hope all is well, take care, Gordon
Kendrick Avatar
Sara Kendrick
Date: 5/12/2021 4:04:00 PM
I also found out that it is poison after I cooked it and we tried to eat it. LOL..Sara
Date: 5/11/2021 4:32:00 PM
mmmm I can almost taste Mum's rhubarb crumble ~ delicious... A lovely write Gordon bringing back some long forgotten childhood memories and tastes too, yum yum... With kindest rhubarb thoughts Ann xx
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Gordon Mcconnell
Date: 5/12/2021 12:56:00 AM
Thanks Anne, Glad you're a fan of rhubarb too and yes rhubarb crumble is always good but puts on the kilograms! Hope things nice with you, it's rather wet up here this morning so a day for tidying up my room. Take care and blessings always, Gordon
Date: 5/10/2021 5:03:00 PM
Wonderful write. I love rhubarb too. My Granny made a strawberry rhubarb pie that was just so so good. God bless you always, Love, Gina
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Gordon Mcconnell
Date: 5/11/2021 11:12:00 AM
Thanks Gina, Glad you loved my piece and interesting you speak about your strawberry rhubarb pie as Darlene in Canada spoke about it too so it must be a North American dish as never heard of it over here. Take care and God bless Gordon.
Date: 5/10/2021 2:42:00 PM
Hello Gordon McConnell, I like the rhubarb mixed with the strawberry. To me it has a better taste. Enjoy your evening my friend.
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 5/12/2021 10:36:00 AM
Hello Gordon strawberry and rhubarb pie. Are very tasty together. Enjoy your day my friend.
Mcconnell Avatar
Gordon Mcconnell
Date: 5/11/2021 11:04:00 AM
Thanks Darlene, Glad you liked it and I don't think I've never tasted rhubarb and strawberry. Blessings,Gordon
Date: 5/10/2021 2:09:00 PM
I can honestly say i have never even tried it, Gorgon. I did however enjoy reading about your nostalgic memories. If mama makes it, it's all good:)
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Gordon Mcconnell
Date: 5/11/2021 10:58:00 AM
Thanks Daniel, Glad you enjoyed it and maybe someday you'll get a taste of it. Have a great day,Gordon

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