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It struts peacock-like when the rains have gone, but visible from only the one side, to folk who from behind sun shines upon, those facing its bright rays will be denied. Get closer, as the superstitious do, and hopes arise with each step they draw near, in vain seeking treasure, although they knew the closer they get, it would disappear. From far off we must seem the happy pair, our faithfulness tied bow-like round the years, but close up lie the strains, the wear and tear, frustrated arguments that no-one hears. Our hearts not washed in seven coloured stain rainbow faded, long showers still remain. For contest 'Rainbows', sponsor Craig Cornish

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 11/10/2018 7:46:00 PM
I smile when a Rain-Bow appears. :) Knowing that rain and the sunshine have kissed. (Soft Smile) Me and my poetic thoughts. You have created a Masterpiece here with your words. Congratulations Viv, on this win. ~ Brandy
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Date: 11/10/2018 10:53:00 AM
Very clever and done nicely. Another fav here. Congrats Viv.
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Date: 11/10/2018 8:30:00 AM
...Three tears for this weeping rainbow" Beautifully done Viv. That last couplet a bow on the strains of life.
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Date: 11/9/2018 10:14:00 PM
Congrats on your podium finish, Viv. A great poem.
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Viv Wigley
Date: 11/10/2018 2:24:00 AM
Thanks, Line, a pleasant surprise! Viv x
Date: 11/9/2018 10:05:00 PM
This is really beautiful Viv! It is going straight into my Faves! Congratulations on your wonderful Second Placement my friend! xxoo : )
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Viv Wigley
Date: 11/10/2018 2:24:00 AM
Thanks, Connie, very kind x
Date: 11/9/2018 7:23:00 PM
This is my favorite rainbow poem, Viv! So imaginative and creative linking it with relationships. Congrats on your win! :)
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Viv Wigley
Date: 11/10/2018 2:25:00 AM
Thanks Laura, it was a toughie given the criteria. Viv x
Date: 11/9/2018 6:52:00 PM
The analogy of a rainbow to a relationship is very artistic and original and leaves one pondering and revisiting your thoughtful words. And, all wrapped subtly in a sonnet very well done.
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Viv Wigley
Date: 11/10/2018 2:26:00 AM
Thanks, Craig, much appreciated, given your criteria and your mastery of the form, I am honoured. Regards, Viv
Date: 11/8/2018 4:46:00 PM
Loved every verse of this exceptional sonnet my friend. Reality tells us that fairy-tales are just that- an illusion. Life is hard and we fight to survive and still have peace . A fav my friend..
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Viv Wigley
Date: 11/10/2018 2:26:00 AM
Thanks Robert, very nice of you. Hopee you and yours are well. Regards, Viv
Date: 10/28/2018 2:42:00 AM
G'day Viv ... I enjoyed the way you intertwined the rainbow with reality Viv - thanks Mate - Lindsay
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Viv Wigley
Date: 11/10/2018 2:27:00 AM
Thanks Lindsay, I promise to get back to some buffoonery soon. Best wishes to you and yours in upside-downland. Regards, Viv
Date: 10/25/2018 12:47:00 PM
Lovely sonnet Viv, a form I've grown to love thanks to you. My trubute to the king of flat pack lol. Tom.
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Viv Wigley
Date: 11/10/2018 2:27:00 AM
Thanks, Tom!
Date: 10/25/2018 5:06:00 AM
Such a sad end for this particular rainbow.
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Viv Wigley
Date: 11/10/2018 2:27:00 AM
Indeed, but one must express as one feels of burst. Viv x
Date: 10/25/2018 2:04:00 AM
Beautiful in content and creativity, Vic. Most impressed by the final lines! ~ Regards // paul
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Viv Wigley
Date: 11/10/2018 2:28:00 AM
Thanks Paul, took a while to get my head round it. Not because my head is big, or anything...... Regards, Viv
Date: 10/24/2018 11:03:00 PM
I can actually say my daughter and I were bathed in rainbow light when we crossed a bridge that went directly into the end of a rainbow. I half expected to see the colors appear on my car but elusive they were. Usually you cannot chase a rainbow. You wrote a great entry for this contest Viv. I hope he appreciates it as much as I did! : )
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Date: 10/24/2018 9:25:00 PM
What a magnificent sonnet on the rainbow, Viv! Wow! Loved the creative angle with which you approached the subject. Good luck in the contest :)
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Viv Wigley
Date: 10/24/2018 10:03:00 PM
Thanks, Laura, tricky to avoid cliche, worth a try, though. Viv x

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