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Putrid Peace Plan for Israel

Lasting peace since time began, was never won nor made by man. Treaties are made, then hastily broken, like cheapened, tin cans. Israel was just offered to capitulate to all inhumane, demands of Hamas? Those antedeluvian, October genocidists~are our leaders in DC smoking fetid grass? Our own USA, is sadly, way out of political, educational and moral control. While empty brains in DC, obviously hostile to Israel, are made of mushy Jelly- Rolls? DC does not have a clue that body parts from the Nova Festival are still not even identified? Sadly, this adminstration supports Hamas, and wants all Jews dead and their freedoms…..petrified! 10/20/2024

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 10/21/2024 10:37:00 PM
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller. Now is the time to speak up, not when it's too late. No one is safe the world is in turmoil. Tom
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Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 10/22/2024 2:37:00 PM
Tom, thank you for the quote, i know you to be an aware piet who speaks truth, not under the influence of false prophets. Israel fights for itts lufe, russia, China and all the rest of the world suppirts nations drolling to crush Israel.including European nations.heaven help us all, gos is eternal. Pangie xxx
Date: 10/20/2024 5:31:00 PM
Thank you for standing up for the last best hope for freedom, now that Obama, Biden and Harris have shredded America's freedoms. If Israel capitulates, Iranian and Russian missiles are headed America's way, the angry hordes of barbarians at the gates will soon make today's immigration crisis look like a walk in the park
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 10/22/2024 2:26:00 PM
Israel is oummeling Lebanon. While complaints pummel Bibi from His own people.most Americans have no idea barbarians are headed here. I know their purpose and it is deadly. But nobody believes me., Pangie xx
Date: 10/20/2024 9:09:00 AM
I am not sure what the heck is going on over there, but the Bible kind of spells it out for Israel. I keep thinking the time is nearer and nearer when Israel faces the wrath of all nations, and down comes Christ!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 10/20/2024 9:51:00 AM
Hi Andrea! We were not taught there is a Jewish Bible and a Christian one..Each has end times, but differ.. Christians vary as to when end times come. Jews know where it will be. Some fear it. But the world is too nuts to go on the way it is, we have broken the commandments left and right. Some Jews pray daily for God to come. As far as I know, the wrath would be on all of our heads..not just the Jews..I do mean every one of us. I know there are people who are atheists, too. This is a quote from.a member here, “ I know more than God!” Arrogance is not a quality that I admire! Let’s see him control the weather! Arg! Hugs,….Pangie
Date: 10/20/2024 8:28:00 AM
So well said! The Democrats starting with Obama then Biden and now Harris hate Israel. Period!!!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 10/20/2024 9:31:00 AM
They do not know, Israel is an independent country. By the way, what about Clinton and the Oslo Accords! Followed by the assasination of Rabin! I am afraid because antisemitism is growing. Morever., those of other faiths have no clue, they are next to go! ONLY one “religion” plans to kill all others and take over the world,the Jews fate is ours. I am sorry to say, the world thinks they are safe? So, they do not care about the Jews.***The Palestinians say..there are NO Irwish Jewish people? Did you know that? Source, Dennis Prager. We all are at risk.thank you.Pangie x x

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