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Dress up this tasty circular bread with cream cheese, lox, or veggie spread. A pumpernickel choice with marmalade jelly, just cried out to my empty belly. There are too many people in this waiting line! I arrived at 7:00 and it's quarter past 9:00! I call out with a soft french shout, "Quel est le problem?" What's the wait all about? "Le beignet......" "S'il vous plait." My bagel please, today! Crunchy grapes, fragrant brie, so many toppings, too many to see. These warm fine spreads will soon decorate my plate. I would save some for you, but I just can’t wait. My morning coffee just cried out , "Where is my companion? I might pass out" Can you guess the treat of which I speak? It’s a favorite of many, but not unique. Round as a penny, near the size of your hand, it’s MY savory BAGEL and just plain grand! Bon appetit !

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 11/20/2024 10:06:00 AM
I love bagels! Very cute and utmost "Grand" Love this, Marikate.
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Date: 10/22/2024 1:18:00 PM
You really love your bagels . I don't know if they are anything like yours, but the ones I tried have been so plain.They only taste good with a lot of spread on them! I enjoyed reading this.
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Kingston Avatar
Marikate Kingston
Date: 11/3/2024 3:35:00 PM
Thank you for your thoughtful comment Andrea. From a consummate poet it means a lot to me. I am flattered.
Date: 10/1/2024 12:19:00 PM
I enjoyed reading your wonderful "Pumpernickel" write. I Love this bread in any style. Guess you are feeling better. I hope so. Wish you would write more... Have a blessed/fun day writing away...............
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Marikate Kingston
Date: 10/6/2024 5:10:00 PM
Thank you Paula. :)
Date: 9/12/2024 9:22:00 AM
I didn't know that there are pumpernickel bagels. It sounds great. I enjlyed.
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Kingston Avatar
Marikate Kingston
Date: 9/16/2024 5:52:00 PM
I am embarrsed about this poem. I put an english sentence where a simple french one shoul have been and there were typos through the whole thing YIKES At least I got you to experience a pumpernickle bagel.
Date: 9/11/2024 11:00:00 PM
This was fun. I can eat anything but marmalade. Just thinking about it makes me gag. My grandma forced me to eat it when I was a kid.
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Marikate Kingston
Date: 9/12/2024 6:10:00 PM
Yikes! that's too bad. An everything bagel with veggie spread is my favorite, but I won't eat them all the time. One minute on my lips, forever on my hips!

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