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Professor Gorey

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This piece plays with Alan Watts' idea that there are two human cultural typologies, in mutually co-arising relationship. Pricklies are competitive-reductive dominant, following Win-Lose Gaming logistics, meaning that if I win then everybody else can lose, if they so choose, that is their business, and none of mine. Gooeys are cooperative-inductive dominant, following Win-Win Gaming logistics, meaning that if I win then everybody else might also be able to win, if they so choose, that is our business together, and We are larger Me.

Much of my work combines this observation with Julian Jaynes' theory of the bicameral brain, where Left-ego-center hemisphere plays the role of Prickly, while Right-eco-center hemisphere plays the role of dual-transparently reiteratively balanced (the opposite of cognitive dissonance) DNA-fractal-gooey Elder AnaLogic resonance as EcoLogic resilience. This offers an internal landscape understory of why we notice what we notice through the lens of Positive Psychology, why positive balanced lifestyles, rich in healthy relationships, lead toward optimally regenerative happiness and fully-lived, enriched and enriching, cooperative lives and lifestyles and neighborhoods, and extended families, and tribes, and cultures, and other positive-polycultural information systems, inclusive of digital and co-binary QBit/8-Byte Octave reverse-hierarchical cooperatively double-bound BothMe-AndWe  Win-Win Communication Gaming systems.

Professor Gorey always had a story filled wit guts and grim til most folks around these parts those with their full share of smarts asked her where she grows her monolithic glory. Grim Reaper is not my heart's keeper and I thank you so for asking just what I see as our life tasking, to face our fears as monotheistic sleepers. Professor Gorey how could your story of climatic strangulations and cataclysmic slaughter of multiple reiterations do other than make us monotonously snorey? Earth's story can wake you up if you drink Her with half-full inducting cup rather than gulping with competition while choking for want of cooperation between what's contracting down why's polytheistic up. What is this mystery we cannot see? of breathing ego down while eco-up, soothing prickly cats by playing gooey pups, confusing what might become communion with how we choose to competitively be? You've asked me well so I must tell, my deep gory fertile mystery of permaculture ecosystemic history is what makes our regenerating health co-evolve so cooperatively swell, overcoming LeftBrain v RightBraun disassociated hell.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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