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Potty Time

Here I sit all broken hearted. The loo it braced, but I only farted. My paper shivered, the walls did shake. Those darn burritos the wife did bake. Morning poo time come and gone. My charmins lost but I still have brawn. Sitting patiently there on the shelf. Right next to Santa's little elf. The good stuff now has sadly departed. The hemorrhoids flare, the pain has started. Gently and careful, I must take care. Potty time now comes with a prayer.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 3/23/2020 9:18:00 PM
Hey what are you doing in there? I'm a poopin and a prayin. Great write.
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Koplin Avatar
Mark Koplin
Date: 3/24/2020 1:52:00 AM
Thank you sir
Date: 3/23/2020 7:17:00 PM
Hahahaha! Pray and poop. Question: Do you pray beforehand that the experience won't be too painful --- or afterward, that your plumbing still works... or perhaps both?! (I myself pray afterward. Seriously). Best wishes, Gershon
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Mark Koplin
Date: 3/24/2020 1:51:00 AM
and during
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Mark Koplin
Date: 3/24/2020 1:50:00 AM
Before and after. LOL God Bless you my friend.
Date: 3/22/2020 9:10:00 AM
ha ha ha I love a good poop poem and this is an excellent one mark... mucky stuff hit the fan here we now have 5 confirmed cases ... all 'mild' hmmm will see what the government have to say at 4pm on their daily briefing :-( stay safe:-)hugs jan xx
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Mark Koplin
Date: 3/22/2020 9:39:00 AM
Thanks, be mindful and safe. My son is sick I hope it's not this stupid virus

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