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Polar Bears

For eight months she carried her twins only to give birth in her arctic snow den for 18 months the cubs will suckle her milk and a year later the cubs will finally venture out, Her male cub grew to be 6 feet tall on all fours but standing up he's a majestic four feet more his sister a bit smaller but loves her seal meat too bear noses smelling the seals 20 miles away on the floes, They're insulated with blubber underneath their white fur with paddle like huge paws when they want to swim able to swim 60 miles if they're desperate for food their designed for arctic swims as a general rule, But these beautiful animals are becoming endangered less ice means less seal meals to sustain them becoming more dependent on other food sources such as reindeer, vegetation, whale remains and rodents, The Inuit arctic people still hunt them for food but the hunting is regulated which is very good these solitary polar bears need to be protected or the 25,000 left will be gone forever. 11-23-17

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 11/25/2017 6:27:00 PM
Like watching National Geographic in rhyme! Sweet!
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Hoffman Avatar
Cheryl Hoffman
Date: 11/26/2017 9:29:00 PM
Lol, thanks so much for very kind comment and visit Mike!~Che :)
Date: 11/24/2017 11:26:00 AM
Good one! A lot I didn't know about Polar Bears. Smell seals 20 miles away and swim 60 miles. Amazing stuff and made into a poem really well...........Pat
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Hoffman Avatar
Cheryl Hoffman
Date: 11/24/2017 3:40:00 PM
Thanks so much for very kind comment and visit Pat; I learned quite a bit from writing this for the contest too; they are amazing animals!~Che :)
Date: 11/23/2017 7:44:00 PM
Well penned! I could see a picture book with this :) xomo!
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Cheryl Hoffman
Date: 11/23/2017 8:29:00 PM
Thanks so much for very kind comment and visit Mo; much appreciate it!~Che xo :)

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