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Pointed Fingers

Fingers are wrongly pointed in accusation Assuming poems are written for intimidation Voices raised in needless defense cry aloud As they huddle and mutter among the crowd Consider how your allegations must sound As you toss foolish words and slurs all around Don't defame those whose troubles you don't know You've no reason to sow weeds where poets grow

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 11/30/2017 10:25:00 AM
I think that part of the problem today is that, in our digital world, news travels at the speed of light and you never really know what's true and what's not; it's best not to make any comments at all. John
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Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 11/30/2017 10:37:00 AM
Thank you, John. It's a good idea not to take sides if you don't know the facts...better yet would be staying out of what doesn't concern you.
Date: 11/29/2017 11:36:00 AM
Powerully penned Lin and I see it so often that people are too quick to jump to the wrong conclusion. My hubby as a phrase... to assume is to make as ass of u and me. :-) hugs Jan xx
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Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 11/29/2017 3:48:00 PM
I love your hubby's take on assumptions. Those who have no clue of what they speak should keep their pens capped. Thanks so much, Jan!

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