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Please Don'T

"please don't" please don't make me sit and reflect reflect circumstances you do not know please don't make my mind quickly spin spin to where anger will find a home speak not of what is out of your realm please don't judge my traveled footprints footprints you have not seen or heard please don't criticize my state of mind state of mind that has led to this moment I am me and you are you just let me be until darkness moves into your life please don't add to me more strife SkyWatcher 08-23-23

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Date: 9/20/2023 5:39:00 PM
I agree with your pleas. Lisa. Life is hard enough without others judging us without knowing who we are or what we have been through. Most have no idea of what life is like for anyone but themselves. The less variety of experiences a person has awareness of, the more likely for them to judge others in ignorance. Thanks for sharing something we should all think about, my dear friend. Smiles ~ Blessings Bill
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Date: 8/24/2023 6:47:00 AM
Another great poem Lisa. I love the lines, ‘Please don’t judge my travelled footprints/ footprints you have not seen or heard’. Lovely! Thank you for sharing.
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Ricci Avatar
Lisa Ricci
Date: 8/30/2023 2:41:00 AM
Good Morning Christina. Hello. I am so very sorry for this late response. I've been away from the computer and poetrysoup. It is I who thanks you for such a gracious and generous review and commentary to which I do not take for granted. May we all be kind to one another and respect each other's footprints and life's travels. Have a wonderful morning and day. Take Care (smile)
Date: 8/23/2023 10:38:00 AM
He must be a stalker to imitate your movements. Nice one.
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Lisa Ricci
Date: 8/24/2023 2:14:00 AM
Good Morning Victor. Hi. Thank you very much as always. Never do I take you your visits or your commentary for granted. May today be a good day. Love and Blessings along with Peace now and always. (smile)
Date: 8/23/2023 6:43:00 AM
Awesome poetic admonition Lisa. No one truly knows our pain of heart but us and God. Let no man (or woman) be the judge
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Lisa Ricci
Date: 8/23/2023 7:34:00 AM
Exactly Tom. Hello. Thank you once again. Its been a stressful couple of weeks and this is the result (smile). I very much appreciate your intake on the entry. Have a wonderful day. Keep enjoying poetrysoup. Take Care (smile)

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