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Pissed Off

"Pissed Off" by: Eric L. Bodddie It really saddens me to write these words The current state of the USA is so absurd Black Lives do Matter just as all the others do Candace Owens said George Floyd deserves no sympathy, Candace, shame on you Your path leads STRAIGHT TO HELL, I wonder what all they will do And to say you are for the black community, is that the sellout code There is one in every woman, but at some point, you must exit b**** mode Then there's Laura Ingraham, proof that racism does exist She told Lebron to shut up and dribble, but she's cool with what Brees admits Then she tried to hide behind our Lord, just know God Will Remember that He Has A Special Place for those trying to implement Him in their false acts And Trump said Floyd's death was good for both, the USA and him From here I can smell the bulls*** on the breaths of all of them The peace has been tried, but the masses won't let this slide Kap tried to tell them back then, but attention was diverted to the flag This is the devil's nation, the truth is right before our eyes Church and state are to be separate, but on the currency is where their god lies The Word Says the love of money is what lies at the very root And if you cant see that, you can go to hell with all the f****** loot

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 8/17/2020 2:11:00 PM
such a shame in the 21st century we can't live in peace and harmony no matter what the colour of our skin. powerfully penned eric:-) hugs jan xx
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Date: 7/2/2020 10:38:00 AM
Very powerful words coming from the heart of someone that really cares. All needs to stop, but it lives as you see through the centuries. The devil reigns, has his games and lets everyone do his dirty work.
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Boddie Avatar
Eric Boddie
Date: 7/2/2020 3:57:00 PM
thank you mrs you know i just write the truth as i see it....;)
Date: 7/2/2020 7:56:00 AM
Straight answers to straight questions we of sound mind can always see, no beating about the edges, like the sincerity.
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Eric Boddie
Date: 7/2/2020 8:30:00 AM
thank you reggae....there is no time to beat around the bush....its time to burn the bush....
Date: 7/1/2020 12:44:00 PM
Your words ring true, Eric. This has never been about disrespecting the flag. It's about disrespecting people based on color. There's turmoil throughout the world, and Satan laughs.
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Eric Boddie
Date: 7/1/2020 1:01:00 PM
i Love women so how could i ever be Love black, white, yellow, brown, red,...i Love women so how could i be racist....dont understand the others either....
Date: 6/29/2020 3:19:00 PM
You are right, Eric, this is 2020 and these conversations are way past due. But perhaps there is a thread of hope, looking at the protests and the number of young white people joining in, perhaps their generation will finally get it right. As for mine...I will hang my head in shame. Keep speaking your mind my friend. John
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Eric Boddie
Date: 6/29/2020 3:46:00 PM
its just a method of control on a subconscious level....
Date: 6/29/2020 12:32:00 PM
I agree with your comment to Kim "there should be no need for this." What Trump did outside of the church should never be forgiven.
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Eric Boddie
Date: 6/29/2020 12:36:00 PM
but did you hear when he said George Floyd is smiling down on us....
Date: 6/29/2020 9:08:00 AM
The whole situation seems to be creating a bigger divide and so many people do not get it... Nice to see you back, brother...
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Eric Boddie
Date: 6/29/2020 9:31:00 AM
they dont want to get it....
Date: 6/28/2020 9:57:00 PM
Sad that this world promotes hate and lies. That greed rules and the weak are so down trodden. Your emotional and powerful verses may speak too much truth for some to hear. As a poet -let your verses sing what the heart feels and knows my friend. God bless..
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Eric Boddie
Date: 6/29/2020 9:30:00 AM
oh i will always tell it like it is mr lindley....
Date: 6/28/2020 3:13:00 PM
An apt poem for our times.
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Eric Boddie
Date: 6/28/2020 3:19:00 PM
but kim it is 2020....there should be no need for this....

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