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Today I've been teasing a lady driver and I hang my head in shame but there was no need for the swearing and I bear my fathers name. I only put my hand up As she was trying to reverse I asked. Would you like me to park it for you Well you should have heard her curse. Reversing for ladies is stunt driving That statement drove her mad She actually accused me Of never having had a dad. She told me to go away Or words to that effect When a gentleman is offering help Is this what he should expect? I really tried to stem the giggle When she stalled the car I can't believe she wanted to kick me Right where my valuables are. After threatening to kill me She saw the twinkle in my eye She laughed as she realised I was playing Phew , I'm one very lucky guy. LOL

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 2/12/2014 2:08:00 AM
LOL...DW, you should know better!...Hahahaha, especially when "The Jewels" are at risk!-Hahahahaha...Whimsical Write!...enjoyed it much//Sinclair-obtw, your are 5, and I am 4-"Get off'a my a**!-LOL...just
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Watson Avatar
Darren Watson
Date: 2/12/2014 3:46:00 AM
Thank you Robert . To be honest , The lady in question is the manageress in a local supermarket , I have seen her bullying her staff, That was the reason I decided to wind her up.
Date: 2/11/2014 10:27:00 PM
geeez Louise, What a big tease!!!! makes me wonder what inspired this one!!! I can't imagine you seriously doing this. or did you???
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Watson Avatar
Darren Watson
Date: 2/12/2014 3:41:00 AM
I have read your poetry Andrea and I know you have a better imagination than that. So did I ?
Date: 2/11/2014 2:44:00 PM
haha...This is awesome !!!!!
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Watson Avatar
Darren Watson
Date: 2/12/2014 3:38:00 AM
Thanks Tim I don't suffer from road rage , Up to now I've been able to use humour to defuse a situation , I'm a big lad and I do work out 3 days every week but I'm not a fighter. So humour is my defence.

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