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Peace on Earth

Poet's Notes

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Written - 29th December  2024
Poem inspired by poet John Read's poem titled - Peace


A wise man said “all you need is love.” To satisfy our dear Lord above God made us hoping we’d live in peace That earth would be a gleeful retreat. Imagine being in mist of war Living in fear behind one's front door Afraid to sleep, in a living hell Listening for the latest bombshell. Seeing dead bodies strewn all around Innocents sadly heavenward bound Glorious buildings raised to the floor Been and gone, destroyed for evermore. The Lord must weep to oversee this It’s not the way we’re meant to exist God created a world full of grace For everyone in the human race. Most folk on earth have a sacred heart Knowing what’s right and wrong, from the start All we need is love, those words so true From a songster, who died from hate too.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 2/14/2025 11:52:00 AM
Beryl, beautiful sentiments and a tribute to Lennon as well. He was a believer in what you are talking about, so how ironic is all of it? It's hard to believe we have such cruelty in play, and so many willing to go along. There's something amiss that might be fixed with a kiss. Smiles!!
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Date: 1/8/2025 11:31:00 AM
Beryl,your poem is skillfully written, vividly expressive, and so realistic. Janice
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 1/8/2025 4:48:00 PM
Thank you Janice,I appreciate those words… Beryl
Date: 1/7/2025 7:27:00 PM
Nice poem Beryl, as I read it, I started to feel how lucky I am that I don't live in a war zone, like many people now do, and as the poem ended, I was left with that great Beatles song in my head.
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 1/8/2025 1:12:00 AM
Thank you David, we are very lucky not to live in a place where there’s war. That Beatles song was so good, all we need is love, thats the truth… Beryl
Date: 12/31/2024 10:52:00 AM
They say 2025, we see the end of wars. Hope reigns in our hearts. May I wish you a serene and happy 2025. Happy New Year.
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/31/2024 1:14:00 PM
Let’s hope wars do come to an end in 2025, wouldn’t it be miraculous. Wishing you a Happy New Year Victor… Beryl
Date: 12/30/2024 8:17:00 AM
Hi sister Beryl, I wonder if this madness will ever end, I no longer watch the news anymore it's to depressing, wishing you and Alan a happy and a healthy new year God bless. xx
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/30/2024 1:14:00 PM
I doubt the madness will ever end brother John, not unless peace enters the hearts of those that rage on. Thank you and best wishes to you for a blessed, happy and healthy new year too. God bless, Sis Beryl xx
Date: 12/29/2024 6:26:00 PM
Yes Beryl, it is horrendous. This is indeed the cause of my freeze up as a poet. I want to write joy, but it is so hard when as you have so beautifully penned here, there are innocents perishing. My dad use to say we need to put those leaders who want war in a boxing ring, let them duke it out in the ring and let the world have peace. This is beautiful, and should be poem of the day.
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/30/2024 2:46:00 AM
Dear Bj, you dad had the best idea ever, put those who want war in a boxing ring, let them beat their hated out on each other and leave the world in peace. Maybe some day peace will come, the day that our dreams come true… Beryl
Legros Kelley Avatar
Bj Legros Kelley
Date: 12/29/2024 6:30:00 PM
In my faves <3, Hugs to you, May 2025 be a better year, Nothing can erase the horrors of the past two and a half years, but if there could be peace, and love, respect and hope in 2025 it may lead to some healing of our broken hearts.
Date: 12/29/2024 7:56:00 AM
Often land and religion sparks conflicts, what is wrong with people. Everyone should show more respect and love for each other. We can only live in hope Beryl. Happy New year. Tom
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/30/2024 2:36:00 AM
Thank you Tom, there’s always hope that one day the world will the peaceful place it was meant to be. Happy New Year to you and yours… Beryl
Date: 12/29/2024 7:37:00 AM
You've skillfully put this poem together with all the hope and terror for us to ponder or raise our emotions. And, so well rhymed, it read smoothly! Unfortunately, it seems that death and destruction is good for stock markets and house prices, and banking: such a disgusting trade off.
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/30/2024 2:33:00 AM
Thank you David, is outrageous that to some riches mean more than anything, will the world ever get things right. We come with nothing, go with nothing but in between we can achieve a beautiful life… Beryl
Date: 12/29/2024 6:36:00 AM
- Hatred is the fuel for evil, terror and the brutal machinery of war - I would argue that without hatred, war and evil would not be possible - May peace shine upon the new year, Beryl - hugs
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/30/2024 2:07:00 AM
Thank you Anne-Lise, what a wonderful world it’d be if hatred had never existed. Wishing you a happy and peaceful new year. Hugs returned, Beryl
Date: 12/29/2024 6:29:00 AM
Not sure I'd call Lennon an angel but your message is hopeful and yet sad. How many innocent's killed since Abel? And yet I believe each will return in the resurrection to come. Not one will be forgotten by the One who names all the stars and takes notice of a fallen sparrow
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Tom Woody
Date: 12/29/2024 1:11:00 PM
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Beryl Edmonds
Date: 12/29/2024 12:42:00 PM
Tom, I’ve changed the word angel to songster, which is more appropriate. Thank you for reading and commenting … Beryl

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