Peace In Action
Police lady kneels in prayer for peace* against echoing bombshells
Babe sleeps midst quietude inside mother’s womb.
*Philippians 4:7 ...The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
March 28, 2023
3RD PLACE, "Write BANTUs" Poetry Writing Contest
Sponsored by Suzanne Delaney; judged on 4/6/2023
"Two-line Bantu (or Abantu) poetry developed from the Bantu people of Africa (speakers of the Swahili, Kinyarwand, Kirundi, Zulu, Xhosa and other related languages). It arose from the oral tradition of “call and response.” In the rhythm of their work and perhaps in the spirit of a game or to relieve boredom, people would call out to each other. The first speaker called out a line that contained an image. A second speaker replied using a second image. This second image was meant to function as an elaboration or metaphor of the first."
Copyright © Beata Agustin | Year Posted 2023
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