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Panagiota and Nursing School Memories

Panagiota and The Autopsy An autopsy, I found, educational to the max! Those sacred, holy,human body parts, being removed part by part. Weighed on a scale, as if in a large supermart? Really, truly, after all our human snickering and politicking? Is this who we are, simply meat on a cold slab? And tell me, please, who is going to pay the tab? Where will my Muse be when I lie naked on a table? I can't scream "help" as the knife slices me from neck to navel. No trophies in this inglorious space and no POTD either. No, poet friends, not in this inglorious stable. There is no talk here of skin color nor of crucial racial matters. For on that table,insides of all humans are of the same color, Simply at peace,lying in tatters, I shout, all all lives matter!! It's surprising, I withstood all this, being a young student nurse and all. It was September in Evanston, at Saint Francis Hopital I shall never forget, that colorful, most memorable fall. I never became a nurse,instead, fell deeply in love, truly, a far more romantic deal! We moved to San Francisco, where hills, deep love and with poetry, my heart forever, he did eternally steal! And the Pacific Ocean transforming from shades of deep blues to the most enchanting teals! July 5, 2023

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 7/14/2023 10:39:00 AM
Very creative, Pangie. You shared the autopsy and your young love in one poem. Thanks for sharing your memories with us through poetry, my dear friend. Smiles ~ Blessings Bill
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/14/2023 6:21:00 PM
Hi Bill. I met him while I was a student nurse, ah, love won out. The autopsy happened six months period prior to our elopement in a Midwest blizzard. Traveling in those snows, getting caught in the Great Divide with no gas at midnight was far more frightening than am autopsy.that was Ho-Hum.)) and, to you, thank you for being a true friend. Many have tossed me in the dust bin of history. I can understand, I am far from WOKE and openly pro -life. Not popular here sorry, folks. I am me.don’t need a gold stamp of approval from anyone..A few good poet friends are enough, like you. Thank you Bill. Pangie xx
Date: 7/14/2023 1:49:00 AM
I don't think I could stand seeing an autopsy, Pangie, but it sure tells us how unimportant we are in God's plan of life... Glad you chose to follow love and here we are, enjoying your lively poetry:)
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/14/2023 5:59:00 PM
Precious Joanna! No need to fear a dead body, the living only can harm you through sin. Or by spreading gossip about you or here, blocking you! I dare tell the truth,I thank those who have blocked me, it’s a high honor. I will not pen raunch here, there are sites for low life poems. This is not one of them. I know I am not liked here. That’s OK. A few here do like my poetry. That’s sufficient..Panagiota xx
Date: 7/9/2023 12:35:00 PM
I enjoyed your wonderful write/story. Have a blessed day....................
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/9/2023 8:58:00 PM
You did? Wow! I get worn out hearing about bunnies, love and happy talk. Life as we know is far from a party with hands and horns, I am one who wants to hear more reality poetry. Writers have a purpose in writing. And no, I don’t think it’s a GameShow where we should win goldfish in a bowl**. For me, it a journey to improve in technique and humanity.. and want to see more fearless writing,including from me Pamgie x
Date: 7/8/2023 10:03:00 PM
Your heart, your head, your soul are all in the right place. Autopsies are forbidden in Judaism, you know. Except in very rare, rabbinically authorized cases. Jews, of course, get blamed therefore for not donating organs after death... And so it goes... Thanks, gw
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/9/2023 8:28:00 PM
An autopsy as you know, is part of learning about the body. It’s so graphic ! I do understand the value of an autopsy regarding diseases,or cause of death. It is not promoted for religious reasons. Oddly, enough the corse was a mam, a minister.of all things. In murder or suicide case, autopsies might be ordered by the court. I doubt they did one and Jeffrey Epstein. Not because of his name but just because I think that was highly suspicious.. and I think he was murdeed To my knowledge, there was none. Jews always get blamed for all manners of things. The blood libel is always there.Under this POTUS., the USA has abandoned Israel. But falls on its knees to allthe Arab world.believes all their lies. You know, that I know about the Chevra Kadisha. And the Jewish way is of death, but, not being Jewish am not eligible for those serviced when I die. I don’t want my body burnt or cut open at all. Panagiota
Date: 7/7/2023 6:18:00 PM
Wow Panagiota, this is so well done...with insight of your past melded with the silliness of today's divisive weapons used by the media. We're all one, not anything else! And enjoyed how the ending took us back to real life.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/8/2023 8:11:00 PM
Wanted to share,,I did go to teachers college….about 8 years later. My major was Philosophy..minor in Science…..happy night to graduate cum laude! I know it’s not the highest, but it made me jubilant. I never wrote much on my experiences within the horrors of the Chicago Schools. Except for the recent one in San Francisco, the Chicago ones are a terror. Glad I never dream of …those…yikes. …hope you got all my mail today. ))). Panagiota
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/8/2023 6:49:00 AM
My dear David, good morning. Thank you for saying well done I know you now and it’s not just say passing common.. those that are named by me “drive my comments “ I always wonder what the big hurry is? Where are they going? Why do they have to rush off? I know I have a different values that many here.. I don’t mean I am better! I always complain about the community board. I see no reason for that thing! This is a is Poetry Soup, not comments Soup. I think it’s more important to learn forms and to write full disclosure comments as it were Alas, I am in the minority as usual. Text messages are not comments. My best, Panagiota
Date: 7/7/2023 2:14:00 PM
My dear friend, this is fantastic. A look into your life and the verses are great! So good!!! a FAV. God bless..
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/8/2023 6:35:00 AM
Greetings, Robert, thank you for reading me you know I appreciate you and your work and your support for five years. I can’t tell you how appreciative I am. My mother taught me to always be thankful especially to those who stand around you and support you and you are one of them.. I don’t need 30 people or a 100. I think I never would’ve kept writing if you had not told me that I was good.:perfect? Not me., but in my writing I am me, that is the best we all can do! Love you, I Panagiota
Date: 7/6/2023 10:33:00 PM
A very good poem about your nursing school experience and the love of your life. Your poems always come from your heart.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/6/2023 10:53:00 PM
I think you are life has been more than interesting. And the people along the way, even more so… including a few and at another site, Writing as an intellectual process to flash my intellect, is not my game. But I don’t think about soul poetry………..poetry without heart flies better. Who or what a living poet experiences is meaningless…………cute, funny, off color poetry, cleverness get credits. Pangiota
Date: 7/6/2023 2:06:00 PM
I'm happy for you. :)
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/6/2023 4:12:00 PM
Hi. My friend. Thank you I got your message loud and clear. Panagiota Hope summer is a great one for you.
Date: 7/5/2023 11:15:00 PM
The Pacific Ocean (though I've never been there) is definitely better than an autopsy. I saw how they do it in films but I realise it's all make-believe. Blessings.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/6/2023 11:50:00 AM
Hello Victor. Hope all is going well for you in Malta! The Pacific is quite beautiful. I even lived right near the Golden Gate Bridge…. And that is magnificent.. I am glad I saw the autopsy, it gave me a real sense of how much the same we all are! Gratefully, Pangie
Date: 7/5/2023 7:08:00 PM
I had a long conversation written, but to many characters. didn't post it. Great , great write my friend
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Eve Roper
Date: 7/9/2023 12:40:00 PM
Oh, this brought my memories back. My young sister at 21 passed of a cerebral hemorrhage. I was only 30 and, in my home, she complained of a headache, all day she was fine. Coroner called to let me know the results. He explained everything he had done and seen; it was not something that I needed to hear. Ended up in the hospital with a Nervous breakdown and 3 months later living my x-husband. .
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/6/2023 11:46:00 AM
That’s. Ok, Eve, do what works for you. I appreciate you always…you know that, Hugs.Pangie

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry