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One Hundred Eighty-Days Ago Today

One hundred eighty one days ago today, Jews began their day, as usual in every way. Jumped out of their beds and prayers. were said. They dressed and fixed coverlets on their beds. Mothers cooking breakfeast…but not for very long. As killers with bullets ended their morning songs. Safe Rooms were to be a place to run and hide, But many were killed instantly in this crimson tide. These people, living in peace and loving harmony, Were slaughtered,not significant enough for poetry? Their older children at the Nova concert for peace, Met death at dawn or were taken hostages, like sheep. And while we get our trophies and POTDs’ Jews and Americans still hostages, are important to me. 1,200, savagely killed, the morning of October Seventh. By methods, so heinous, and were dispatched to heaven! The sadness, has never left my Noahide, weeping soul. But to have others, never forget,is a significant life’s goal. This was a horrid, bloody, pogrom in my very own lifetime.. And loss as horrid as this, is to be remembered is soulful rhyme. 4/7/2024

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 4/8/2024 3:19:00 AM
Muslims attack by underhand means and blame the Israelites for retaliating. It will always be the same over there. But one day, God will say enough is enough. Jesus will always win.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 4/8/2024 10:06:00 AM
Why are we shocked! Remove the illusion that the holocaust is over,” it never ended just continues at the a slow burn” Quote from Sha’’i ben Tekoa. Author of the.”Phantom Nation” he is referring to Palestine. There is no Palestine., there is no Palestinian art or history. They are all Arabs out to destroy Israel, other religions do not kill Israeli newborn, children women men. For no reason at all., I find it THE tragedy of our century, and here in the USA, Children are beaten, killed and synagogues destroyed. 12,000 Jews moved to Israel since October 7th,! Bless them all, Pangie xx bless you.
Date: 4/6/2024 8:19:00 PM
You are so right, P. Everyone forgets that there was a ceasefire in place on October 6, 2023. Hamas broke it, not Israel... Yet now Hamas and Biden cry for a ceasefire and more aid... And they want the aid from Israel!, whom they continue to attack, by the way.... Giving aid and comfort to the enemy is TREASON, Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Biden. Netanyahu deserves to hang for treason; Biden, impeached and for treason... And No Aid, NOTHING - NOTHING- for GAZA/HAMAS until Hamas returns every hostage AND surrenders.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 4/7/2024 1:22:00 PM
I think you know, after our voluminous mail typing speed of 12 mph, it took me hours to get here! Your comment was “robusto!”, Senor! And sure sounds like you wanted to set “El Fuego” to some boneheads! It was full of strong feelings, like I love! But I gave you strong warning, not to let news sources be taken as fact or true,!Seems news meant to drive us beserk. Anyway, Biden is not Shin Bet..It is time for him to retire to Shady Acres Home! Shouting is no sign of being MENSA,. Humility is a sign of greatness and respect of others. , Hitler shouted a lot and used propoganda to fool the Germans, I am not stupid, just know logic from gibberish. Pangie.xx
Date: 4/6/2024 8:55:00 AM
For some reason Pangie, the world wants to forget who kicked off the most recent part of this age old conflict, the same ones that are still hiding behind and embedded within the Palestinian people, I agree with Tom below. Iran’s Ayatollah led republican guard, armed and orchestrated the killers, the ensuing war was always going to be a dirty business, Iran knew that too, Cheers David
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 4/7/2024 9:51:00 AM
And congratulations to you also David, or having the courage to respond to a poem about realism. Perhaps we can affect the world in the small way or those around us by opening up and hiding in the clouds. I remember when Jimmy Carter became president and they took hostages the wonderful. Ayatollah. What does make the best of what is going on in the world no matter what. And then our own way. Be grateful for a good day of friend a smile comment.. must be insane to think this world will ever be perfect. Never was.! Pangiexx
Date: 4/6/2024 7:10:00 AM
And we know who orchestrated it, Iran who armed these thugs, wouldn't be surprised if Russia and China were helping in the background too. The world is full of evil and hatred at the moment with no end in sight. Tom
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 4/7/2024 9:48:00 AM
Congratulations on being the very first to respond. I try to reming myself that this world had been a ghastly place since time began, uglibess is replete i in the Old testament, for example!there were inquisitions, world wars, and you name it. Now we kill babies for the fun of it because you know they’re just too much to take care of.. the world is quite mad. a reminder that that happiness comes in the next life not here. Yes in small ways for sure.. always a major catastrophe somewhere. And as a poet, I think part of my job is to expose evil. Maybe I can’t change it. But I can’t write in the realm of science fiction, our pretend ugliness is not happening. Ditto again on the congratulations.. You deserve it some, Pangie xx

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