One Heartbeat
I remember that it was an ordinary day
When Life came and whispered low
Said, I know that you've been searching
And I'm gonna tell you where to go.
Life's words fell on me like sweet honey
Awed by her soothing touch of poetry
Son, there's a voice calling you to echo
Can you feel her tug to pair in melody
There's a kind of music that last forever
Seek that heartbeat.. perfect for you
Only one girl made to match your echo
In love.. one heartbeat comes from two
Sweet girl, please be my one heartbeat!
~Lyric Man
Note: My write is an echo to a poem "The Heatbeat Of Me" by an incredible writer here on the Soup, Brandy Nicole. Go check out her work.. you'll love it!
Copyright © Lyric Man | Year Posted 2018
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