Once Upon A Time In Milton Creek
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The sun was rising high in the east over the town of Milton creek
It was the eighteenth day of December, the start of Christmas week
All the store fronts were decorated; it was a colourful sight to see
And even outside Sheriff Koplin's jailhouse was a six-foot pine tree.
The town church was now completed, and it now had a preacher
He hailed from way back east and he was once a schoolteacher
His folks were of Dutch descent and his name was Paul Nederlof
All the ladies in town loved him because his hat he'd always doff.
Tom had been away to see some doctors in the state of New York
He'd struggled of late digging deep graves with his shovel and fork
The doctors had all advised him that he should do no more digging
But he needed income and some way of making an honest living.
He decided to keep his funeral parlour and what he would now do
Would be to employ some townsfolk and pay them a dollar or two
Preacher Paul would also be hired to do any readings when required
As far as digging graves was concerned; Mayor Tom was now retired.
Tom spread the word that there would be a council meeting at noon
And would take place in his mayor's office above Jan's Manx saloon
Lin opened the meeting saying, "As you know Milt used to do Santa
And he'd always give all the kids a bag of candy, an apple or banana."
After a brief silence Sheriff Koplin said, "Well, it won't be the same
But if you can't get a volunteer to do Santa, then yes Lin I'm game."
Lin added “That would be such a lovely thing to do in Milt's memory
And for honouring him there will be a steak meal at Aces on me."
Lin added "I had a letter from Ranger David, wishing y'all good cheer
But he won't be heading back to town until sometime in the new year"
It was now Tania's turn to speak up, and excitedly she had this to say
"Deb and I will make some cakes and we'll both sing carols on the day.
Then Deputy Terry said," I'll be able to make a grotto out of wood
And if the mayor has any old spare pine coffins; well, that'd be good"
Tom said, "Come and see me at sun-up and I'll see what I can do
And I'm sure a few of our good townsfolk will be happy to help you."
Then from out of her bag Jan produced a large bottle of clear spirit
Sheriff Koplin stared at it curiously and he wondered what was in it
Jan then poured out seven glasses and offered everyone a drink
Saying, "It's called Manx spirit, do try it and tell me what you think?."
Everyone in the room had a taste, and they were pleasantly surprised
Tom said, "Jan, this is real good stuff and will sell well" he surmised
With the town's business discussed the meeting ended mid afternoon
Tom added, "Best rattle your hocks 'cos Christmas will be here soon."
The days flew by, and it was now the twenty second day of December
Tom was determined it would be a day for the townsfolk to remember
Everyone in town played their part ensuring that everyone had fun
Sheriff Koplin looked a bit uncomfortable in his Santa suit in the sun.
Nighttime quickly approached and Preacher Paul stood up to speak
"I'd like to say a few words about an honourable man of Milton Creek
Although I didn't know him, I've been told he was sincere and true
He was very supportive of everyone, especially those that he knew".
"From what you folks have told me, Milt had a great interest in poetry
And he also liked to write poetry himself and so very talented was he
Tania has chosen a few of his poems that she'd like to read out to you
Yes, Milt was a very talented poet; a fact you folks already knew."
Tania finished reciting three of Milt's poems and then had this to say
"Let's not forget our good friend Milt who left town a year ago today"
Then all the children stood behind Deb and Tania and started to sing
It was quite emotional to see, the town had never seen such a thing.
Chirping crickets couldn't be heard as the sound of carols filled the air
The whole town had turned out it seemed because everyone was there
It had been quite an emotional day with lots of laughter and a few tears
A day the townsfolk would never forget, and they'd remember for years.
The celebrations ended Preacher Paul said, "Hope to see y'all soon"
Some of the menfolk weren't ready for bed and headed off for the saloon
It had clouded over and from the sky above a few fine flakes of snow blew
Lin whispered to Tom," I think it's a sign from someone we once knew. "
The day had been a great success and for all the children it had been fun
Mayor Tom was so proud of everyone and for everything that they'd done
It had been a day of remembrance and celebration but had ended too soon
Bedtime can wait a while thought Tom and made his way over to the saloon.
Mayor Tom pushed open the batwing doors and the party was in full swing
Tania and Deb were both up on the stage because they both loved to sing
It had just gone past the midnight hour when two loud gun shots rang out
Folks rushed out of the saloon onto Main Street but there was no one about.
In the distance they heard galloping hooves as someone rode out of town
Sheriff Koplin rushed over to the saloon and said "I found a body face down "
There were loud gasps from the crowd, and someone asked him "Well, who?"
The sheriff answered, "I'm not prepared to say, but it's not someone you knew."
Sheriff Koplin, Mayor Tom, and Deputy Terry went to the end of Main Street
Mayor Tom said "We need to keep this quiet, so I'll go and get a winding-sheet"
They quickly covered the lifeless body and placed it on a wagon to take away
"Justice will be served" Said Sheriff Koplin," Sun-up we ride east for Santa Fe."
Milton.L.Hankins Left town on the 22nd of December 2022.
Never to return.
I'm sure he's looking down and 'chuckling'
Rest In Peace Milton.
Written on the 22nd December 2023,
Copyright © Tom Cunningham | Year Posted 2023
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