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On Viewing the Corpse of My Mother-In-Law

[Please note: while this poem may seem harsh, my mother-in-law did much good in her long life, more than I expect I have. It was prompted by the 'shock' that death has the power to take even those with the fiercest of wills.] How could this...thing have been her? Lying shriveled and small on the bed, as those who loved (and feared) her gathered in the bereft hospital room to let their shock and grief melt and mold itself into its own atmosphere.... Her body seemed never to have been real, never to have been a woman, never to have been young once, and surely, never to have been a mother.... And if it had been a body once, housing a small dragon who could lash out fire solely with her harsh and brutal tongue, keeping those who loved her at bay and the rest of us wary, aware of her power, her terrible gift that seemed to shrink your soul-- then where did she go when her mouth froze open as the last breath of a long life left quietly, silently, without fuss or rancor...? Still, though imperfect as you or I, she was loved, mourned, honored.... If God only housed saints, think how terribly lonely He would be.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 1/4/2020 9:32:00 PM
This sounds so much like deceased mother in-law. One of her son's put restraining orders on her, and my husband choose to move across the country to get away. Congratulations on your win in Brian Strand’s contest. Hugs Eve
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L. J. Carber
Date: 1/6/2020 9:15:00 AM
Thanks Eve-- I feared the poem might be taken negatively--like all of us, she had her faults but her good, loving side was very strong too-- the poem is really about how such a strong personality can suddenly be no more in this world....
Date: 1/3/2020 1:21:00 PM
LJ congratulations on your top win!;)
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L. J. Carber
Date: 1/4/2020 9:14:00 AM
Thanks Brenda!
Date: 1/8/2019 2:03:00 PM
Here is a sensitive balanced view of a departed, together with the distinction between body and soul (I touched on this in my poem: ‘Departed’). Your final two lines are the epitome of tolerance wisdom and grace - very touching. This poem deserved a higher placing.
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L. J. Carber
Date: 1/8/2019 2:56:00 PM
Thanks Geoff-- and oh, I wish I could make you judge of all the contests,my friend! But whenever I feel 'disappointed', like all who create feel at one time or another, I think of Vincent-- he was one of the greatest artists of all time, and yet no one bought his paintings in his lifetime. Little wonder he went mad....
Date: 8/5/2018 10:52:00 PM
If the body is the mirror of the soul, then---no, it's simply too horrible a thought!! Powerful stuff! ~ Gershon Wolf
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L. J. Carber
Date: 8/6/2018 9:49:00 AM
No Gershon, the body is not the mirror of the soul--in a sense, a single long lifetime is a repeated re-incarnation: from baby to child to young adult to middle and then old age. I have the photos to remind me that my soul 'inhabited' all those different bodies just in the past 70 some years.
Date: 7/20/2018 7:45:00 PM
wow, this is powerful stuff. I love it. I too wrote of the recent death of my in-law. She was one of these women like yours and she became very small at the end.
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L. J. Carber
Date: 7/21/2018 9:35:00 AM
Thanks Andrea, I appreciate your thoughtful comments-- if you wrote a poem about it, please let me know the title
Date: 7/18/2018 6:56:00 PM
You express well the disbelief of z loved one's body after life leaves. Sad but a tribute too to the fierce person she was. From the title I didn't know what to expect. :)
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L. J. Carber
Date: 7/19/2018 9:09:00 AM
Thank you Susan-- and that the point of the poem-- the unreality of death, and how a corpse looks like it never could have been alive.
Date: 7/5/2018 6:04:00 PM
The interesting title made me curious. Your poem captures the feeling of disbelief; death feels unreal, unprocessed, and feelings are raw. Great write.
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L. J. Carber
Date: 7/19/2018 9:07:00 AM
Sorry I didn't thank you sooner, Agnes-- had to get my IT nephew to sort out a computer problem as these damn things make me feel life a toddler again. Death, the dead, do seem unreal, don't they-- a dead animal looks like it's sleeping, but a human corpse looks like it was never alive.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry