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Of Masks We Sing

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Shake in your boots, Be afraid, be very afraid. Watch the news, go ahead! Believe their lies about Covid. Have a cold beer, after all. Dr.Fauci is here!! That international madman to fill us with fear. Masks, now he says, two you should wear? Sorry, my man, one is too much to bear. But be sure~do cover our leaders mouths. At them, I so want to loudly shout. Get out of our lives, go live, mask your own lying snout!! I propose you buy the diving suit pictured above. Wear it when you are out and about, complete with gloves. Leave the rest of us alone. Who know this is a cash cow. All I can say, is a soft,!               I/27/2021                   ~2~

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 1/28/2021 5:53:00 PM
I think that you have made quite a sensible suggestion for our 'leaders' to wear the uniforms in that picture. It goes well with their personality, and how they follow the bogeyman of fascism in perfect lockstep. AOC - KEY - L-O-U-S-E! Hey, kids, put on your AOC unis! ... There's money in there somewhere. ~ Cranky Grumblepuss
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 1/29/2021 8:17:00 AM
Right on Gershon! Wear a mask))) worse, be politically correct. Top worst..censor anything by the Ministry of untruths. I can't hear ANTHING through one mask. Two.? A silent world for me. My city is offering drive - by vaccinations. Why not shoot me with a gun on my front porch? Lots of geld involved for many in this. Those who want to risk their lives, is their choice.Deaths are being hidden. An insane time in the USA. I won't down other countries. America now? Land of fruits and nuts. Inmates running the Asylum. AOC? A rebirth of Karl Marx. Funnee Nic, you made up))) Pangie xx
Date: 1/28/2021 7:41:00 AM
the maggot Fauci is dripping with power and should be tried for crimes against humanity. It was he himself who helped china develop Covid. Lots of stuff in his past nobody cares to find out about. I detest that man. Great poem, pangie.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 1/28/2021 8:57:00 AM
Thanks Andrea for sharing what you know about F. I don't even want to print his name. He's worse than a murderer to me. He's destroyed this nation and others. Worse, cashed in on it? People adore him? Businesses gone, lives destroyed. Why even write a poem? Nobody cares. They will wear two masks. I say wear the old diving helmet or hide at home.))) Thanks, you courageous woman! Pangie
Date: 1/28/2021 2:23:00 AM
Lol, diving suits, don't give the powers that be crazy ideas they'll think it's the way forward. Tom
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 1/28/2021 8:44:00 AM
Surely, I see someone wearing a Hazmat suit. LOL. You should see the jazz people are buying. I told you or someone else, people love this! It's like being in the first car of a roller coaster and holding each other. That thrill of fear is real. It's in many comments...Stay safe? More people die from booze, car accidents and drug overuse each year but no warning to stop driving at all! I can't erase the fear TV and social media creates. As you can see, you and Andrea out of thousands here have the courage to respond. Children suffer the most but teachers will not go back to school. It's the pandemic of the soul. No use confronting reality in poetry. Tragic. Unless we have any illness.. A comment magnet. Pangie Pangie

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