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Obama Rhapsody - Potd

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His full given name is Barack Hussein Obama The etymology of his first name, "Baraka," a Swahili word meaning "Blessed" It's easy to see why he's my favorite POTUS of all time. Where do I even begin... with this extraordinary man of color? He was leader before he led the free world. He made his mark as a community organizer. The 44th President of The United States from 2009-2017 The very first African-American to hold the office! Born to an African father from Kenya and a Caucasian mother from Kansas. A Hawaiian-born Chicago boy who made good. His legacy is glittering like 24-Karat gold. Domestically and internationally looked upon as a bright shining light and a gold standard in terms of temperament and work ethic He's an eloquent, erudite, and compassionate soul. A man of refined taste; he picked a diamond of a wife, the great former first lady, Michelle Obama. And he chose a great running mate, former VP Joe Biden, who's now President-elect. A doting father of two to Malia and Sasha A wearer of many hats: politician, lawyer, author, even a fine basketball player! As President, he had a litany of accomplishments. He pulled off the seemingly impossible. Long-elusive terrorist leader, Osama Bin Laden was hunted down and killed on his watch! A true champion of LGBT rights, champion of The Affordable Care Act (ACA), aka "Obamacare", a healthcare insurance which continues to save millions of lives. He was a fighter for all Americans and wasn't afraid to bypass Congress to accomplish a legislative goal. He's special both as a President and man. In his eyes, I saw sparks of hope and love for humanity. There's no iota of menace in his kind eyes. In his voice, I heard truth and calm reassurance. His trustworthy voice bore no malice. In his laugh, a refreshing forthrightness. A forward-thinker with infinite optimism, which he enthusiastically infused with "Yes, we can!" On his skin, I saw familiarity, a reflection of myself. He's Black, just like me. He's a man of unimpeachable character. Universally known for his bonhomie and quiet dignity; he stood tall and kept his head high as Mt. Everest when bigots spewed racist venom at him, burned him in effigy, questioned his nationality, "muslimized" him by yelling out his full name on open mics at Trump rallies, simply to place emphasis on his middle name, "Hussein" But did he let the world see him sweat? No, of course not. That's not his style. He bottled his anger. Only when unspeakable atrocities and crimes were committed did he show his righteous anger. The Sandy Hook massacre brought out his genuine, raw emotions and the heartbroken nation wept with him. The beauty of Obama is his heart, as big as the world is big. He's a good man, genuinely. That's why he's my favorite POTUS. Poem of the Day on 01/13/2021 Submitted for... YOUR FAVORITE PRESIDENT (President's Day Project) Poetry Contest Sponsored by L MILTON HANKINS Date written: 01/12/2021

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 8/22/2022 7:08:00 PM
I have a picture saved of him in his college days! Former president Barack Obama, eloquent, hep, charismatic. I miss this man! I did do a tribute for Biden "The President" 2/18/22. Congratulations on the trophy win Edward Ibeh!
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Date: 2/22/2021 10:27:00 AM
Congratulations on your win!
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 2/22/2021 11:06:00 AM
Thank you so much, BJ:-) I appreciate it!
Date: 2/21/2021 11:51:00 AM
a great tribute to a gifted orator and wonderful human being! what a change it was when Trump took over! from a sage to the devil! Glad this was places high!! Congrats on your win!!
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 2/21/2021 1:40:00 PM
Thankfully the balance has been redressed with American voters resoundingly rejecting Trump for good guy Biden! I like him almost as much as I do Obama! I appreciate the visit and congrats, Krish!:-)
Date: 2/21/2021 11:10:00 AM
Edward, I am so proud of your work with this poem. Now, it has received another accolade in my contest. Congratulations!
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 2/21/2021 1:35:00 PM
Thank you so much for my placement, L.Milton!:-) Most obliged.
Date: 2/21/2021 10:37:00 AM
Edward, I read your poem previously and loved it and now I can come back and say congratulations on your win, of course I agree with each word as he is my fav president too _Constance
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 2/21/2021 1:34:00 PM
Thanks again for the revisit and congratulations, dear Constance:-) We both have great taste!
Date: 1/13/2021 6:01:00 PM
What an amazing tribute. And well deserving POTD!!! Great job Edward, HUGE congrats :)
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 6:54:00 PM
Thank you very much indeed, Akkina:-) God bless.
Date: 1/13/2021 4:33:00 PM Are you related to Hankins in Brunswick County, NC?
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 6:53:00 PM
Wonderful family photos, James:-) The Obamas are quite photogenic!
Date: 1/13/2021 3:34:00 PM
What a tribute to #44, Edward! Clearly from the depths of your heart and soul. Congratulations on POTD. Best wishes, Gershon
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 6:50:00 PM
Thank you so much for the congrats and best wishes, Gershon!:-)
Date: 1/13/2021 3:08:00 PM
Amazing and mind boggling. Quite a display of feeling and emotion. Hankins is quite a popular name here in Brunswick County, NC. Wonder if any of them are relatives of years. Taylor's was a great Black Restaurant. She had a picture of Obama posted up on the wall. Will never forget it.
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 6:49:00 PM
Thank you, James:-) And thanks for sharing about Hankins!
Date: 1/13/2021 12:14:00 PM
Do you have extolled his virtues brilliantly in this wonderful poetic tribute Edward! Congratulations on your deserving POTD honor. Blessings xxoo
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 12:18:00 PM
Thank you so much for the comments and congrats, Connie! Most obliged.
Date: 1/13/2021 10:51:00 AM
Congratulations on your POTD Edward. Enjoy your day and the honor. Warm winter blessings to you.
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 11:14:00 AM
Thank you so much for the wonderful comments and congrats, Sam:-)
Date: 1/13/2021 10:24:00 AM
Edward, your ode shines with your admiration. 'Erudite' is a fitting description; I used to love hearing him speak to the nation. He was the Jackie Robinson of the White House and I hope more follow through the door which he opened. It's never easy being first, and it's not easy being POTUS, but he pulled it off with optimism and grace. Well done and congrats on the POTD honor! ~ John
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 11:36:00 AM
Jackie Robinson was sure a hero, John:-) He kept head high and excelled in the face of insurmountable obstacles. Definitely one of those legendary Black figures who made people like Obama possible.
Watt Avatar
John Watt
Date: 1/13/2021 11:18:00 AM
I so admire Jackie Robinson... I'm watching a Ken Burns special about him on PBS. The crap he (and many others) had to endure as a public figure helped opened the eyes of many white Americans how caustic and widespread racism was. His courage and integrity helped open the door for many to succeed after him.
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 11:12:00 AM
"He was the Jackie Robinson of the White House and I hope more follow through the door which he opened. It's never easy being first, and it's not easy being POTUS, but he pulled it off with optimism and grace." I completely agree with this! Thank you very much for the wonderful feedback and congrats, John:-)
Date: 1/13/2021 10:20:00 AM
Great write, Edward, one of my favorites besides JFK and Abraham Lincoln. Congratulations on POTD. Hugs Eve
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 11:19:00 AM
Wow, those are my 3 favorite presidents as well! Thank you so much for the feedback and congratulations, Eve:-)
Date: 1/13/2021 8:48:00 AM
Edward, oh so wonderful, I selected Barack as my favorite President too, the title is his name and congratulations on having your poem selected for Poem Of The Day_Constance
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 11:16:00 AM
Thank you very much for the wonderful feedback and congrats, Constance:-) You have great taste! I'll check out your poem.
Date: 1/13/2021 7:38:00 AM
He is a man of SOUL...Congratulations Edward Ibeh on POTD...Obama should have this write.
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 11:21:00 AM
He definitely is! Thank you very much for the comments and congrats, Arturo:-)
Date: 1/13/2021 7:18:00 AM
I commented hours ago and it’s disappeared :(. I will repeat...8 years of Obama and America was great. Only NOW does it need to be made great again. Congratulations on your potd.
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 11:27:00 AM
"8 years of Obama and America was great. Only NOW does it need to be made great again." Amen, Jenna! Sorry your initial comment disappeared. Thank you very much for the comments and congrats!
Date: 1/13/2021 6:43:00 AM
I am not American but I am a fan, he is a graceful, extraordinary man. Wonderful piece Edward! Congratulations on POTD, xomo
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 6:57:00 AM
Thank you so much, Maureen:-) Most appreciated.
Date: 1/13/2021 6:13:00 AM
He was a champion for many, an eloquent speaker and a great President, Congrats on POTD Edward
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 6:55:00 AM
Thank you very much, Joseph!
Date: 1/13/2021 6:03:00 AM
WoW! Edward, What a well written tribute piece in honor of Obama. I must say he's my favorite president as well. Excellent job. Congratulations on getting the poem of day. It was well deserved. Have a wonderful day:-) Alexis
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 6:54:00 AM
Thank you very much, Alexis!:-) I'm glad he's your favorite, too!
Date: 1/13/2021 5:20:00 AM
Delighted to see this poem honored--BIG congrats, Edward, on poem of the day.
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 6:47:00 AM
Thanks again, Vijay! Most obliged.
Date: 1/13/2021 4:00:00 AM
- "He's special both as a President and man" ... I agree - Congratulations on this great tribute and p.o.t.d., Edward :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 6:51:00 AM
Thank you so much, Anne-Lise!:-) I appreciate it.
Date: 1/13/2021 3:35:00 AM
Congratulations Edward on POTD! I will say that he was a true showman, a great speaker and he was very funny. He always conducted himself with dignity and poise. A well written poem Edward, Good Job!
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 6:51:00 AM
Thank you so much, Mark!:-) I agree, he's got a very good sense of humor to boot!
Date: 1/13/2021 1:19:00 AM
A glowing tribute to a fine man and a brilliant president of the US. A well deserved honour of POTD for this fine write, congratulations Edward. Tom
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 3:30:00 AM
Thank you very much indeed, Tom:-) Blessings, my friend.
Date: 1/13/2021 1:16:00 AM
Dropping back with HUGE congrats on POTD:-) an excellent choice:-) hugs jan xx
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/13/2021 3:28:00 AM
Thanks again, Jan:-) Most appreciated, my friend!
Date: 1/12/2021 3:01:00 PM
May I join you my friend in this profound tribute you wrote to one of the greatest presidents of US and a wonderful human being. His eloquence and intelligence are unmatched. I am saving this stunning poem into my FAVES. Win BIG!!
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Edward Ibeh
Date: 1/12/2021 3:13:00 PM
I greatly appreciate your awesome feedback and FAV, Vijay:-) Blessings, my friend!

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