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Now It's Up To You and I

We have the left; we have the right. In the political arena they both fight. Always claiming to be on our side, With ferocious rhetoric, opponents they deride. Vote for us, to be saved from a vicious clan’s Reckless and dangerous life ending plan. So now it’s up to you and I To decide, who is right and who tells lies. Now I don’t know what works for you. I judge not what they say; rather what they do. For talk is cheap and taxes ain’t. I’m in support of fiscal restraint. Now this is a fact for all posterity; A nation can’t spend itself into prosperity. Both sides know that this is true. But look at what the charlatans do. They simply make a language adjustment; Government spending renamed as investment. So now it’s up to you and I To decide, who is right and who tells lies. The finger of accusation is pointed; As our nation becomes disjointed. Now both sides in self-righteousness claim; The other side is the one to blame. I’m not sure how you deduce, But I look at the fruit they produce. Who supports phony investigations; The sole evidence of their own making. Who supports keeping people in places; Dividing them up into different races. Who believes they can legislate prosperity; Ignoring all of human history. Who believes it a proper choice; To slay the unborn who have no voice. So now it’s up to you and I To decide, who is right and who tells lies. Media acts in a partisan manner, Thus, I ignore their constant clamor. People throwing bombs and firing weapons; The very definition of insurrection. When people gather to show disgust. That is what is defined as a protest. There are few neutral voices. Everyone is always spinning choices. So now it’s up to you and I To decide, who is right and who tells lies.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 10/3/2022 10:37:00 PM
Good poetry .enjoyed the read .Thank you
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Date: 2/8/2022 1:42:00 PM
Well purveyed Kenneth, the creep has been There looking back a long way now.' the ultra Low interest rates that have embedded an Errosion of spontenaiety in commerce, sound Bytes and blind and deaf visionary's rote taught Truth set at naught, wow I am almost joining in Their game..' ( but no I will not apply such a Divisive ) mantra to my life; or endorse it in any Other life.'
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Date: 11/22/2021 12:39:00 PM
Wow Kenneth....You've penned a perfect picture of what is going on in our nation;heading toward a Marxist society where 'We the People' will be a memory. You may want to check out my poem, America, where are you going? Take Care, Paulette
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Date: 11/18/2021 6:25:00 PM
'Government spending renamed as reinvestment.' -- Love that line, Kenneth. So true, and so disheartening to hear about and read about... I think the House is going to pass the $2 Trillion 'Spend us into Socialism' bill tonight. Maybe the Senate can hold 'em at bay. But I think that Manchin and Sinema will fold 'em some day. Great write! ~ gw
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Date: 11/2/2021 11:59:00 AM
Excellent ppem!! Actions speak louder than words. That is how we know what is truly happening besides facts gathered by actions that cannot be disputed. In my opinion our country is in trouble more than I have ever seen in my life time. Evil is out of control and too many are in denial. We must unite to turn things around, but that takes courage and facing truth. A Fave poem for me :)
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Date: 11/1/2021 12:00:00 PM
In my humble opinion, all our leaders are messed up!! I do think one party is "More" right than the other, however, and I totally get what you are saying here. Right now everyone is thinking things are hunky dory, but wait until we are slaves of the elite. That day is coming and I am very sad that few care to open their eyes to it.
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Date: 11/1/2021 10:10:00 AM
Much truth here, Kenneth. At this point I can't really tell who is right, but I sure can tell you who is telling lies and spreading discord!!! I enjoyed your poem a lot.
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