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No Man Is An Island

no man is an island, part of the continent i believe thee to say well some have chosen a peninsula free of cross-town traffic friends are few and far between we treasure our own thinking less the frivolous conversations with entities of no real worth, our pursuits life quieter absent the chatter have absconded from life's drama which is a good thing because the more withdrawn the scarier to the world you are hence few phone calls or emails of, please forward at once should a distant relative win the lottery you won't be trampled in the line having left the neighborhood what better to your back then the metaphor of the sea there is no better place to be dreaming of life on the high seas easier to deal with reality, Empyreal Heights more than likely your awarding fate so yes, no man is truly an island John Donne is quite correct and if i could show him this world of dystopian novels, romantic walking-dead religious babblers, political rapscallions, preppers blame God for manmade heaps of misery brains with no depth of history oxytocin, mirror neuron drooling fools emotions missing logic and reasoning better hauled away in a Honey wagon or deposited into Honey Buckets neither of which attracts a bee well i am sure he would add a peninsula to some other possibilities where to reside then quickly disappear for apparent reasons but you know us Romantics we try to see a better side from our own rooms on the peninsula far from the maddening crowd where creativity breeds unmolested OKC 6/22

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 7/7/2022 1:17:00 AM
Your reasoning is spot on, Timothy. The older I get, the more I enjoy quiet moments in life...and yet... Regards // paul
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Ray Avatar
Timothy Ray
Date: 7/10/2022 9:48:00 AM
thank you too, quiet, removed
Date: 7/5/2022 10:46:00 PM
Wow, Timothy, 'Pull on hank brake, this world i need to step off.' Amazing poetry you create from the mess we call a world, i'm following every word of your poem also trying hard to find some peace and quiet, without the media and its on going savagery..
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Ray Avatar
Timothy Ray
Date: 7/10/2022 9:50:00 AM
i know too, have found a lot of solace in reading poets and Youtube offers a plethora of works and documentaries, nice to retouch the simplicity of William Carlos Williams of late

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