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No Greater Hero

No Greater Hero, Struggling through the Great Depression Growing up fatherless in the care of a loving aunt Losing her husband, his weary mother could not cope Working for the Civilian Conservation Corps Trying to support his family Attending school at night to provide a better life Playing his sax and clarinet Resounding notes of joy cast blessings Filling our home with happiness many children never know Loving eyes and deep, gentle voice Drawing admiration from all who came to know him Speaking softly, never in harsh tones Accepting life’s challenges Forgiving when his children seemed ungrateful Nurturing, caring, standing by our sides Picking us up when we fell Offering support in every endeavor Being the kind of father he never had Teaching us to work hard and achieve Reminding us that life offers no guarantees Encouraging us to rebound from challenges as “come-back kids” Gathering at his hospital bedside New Year’s Day 2009 Astonishing nurses with the depth of our love Never leaving his side, three grown children rested hands upon his Lingering six days in a coma, perhaps his soul already in heaven Speaking to him, hoping he could hear Wanting him to feel our love one last time Siblings who rarely agreed Concurring just this once Feeling blessed by our father, the brightest star we see in heaven Carolyn Devonshire * Dedicated to my father, Arthur Schwarz, who died January 6, 2009 This poem, is Carolyn Devonshire. one feels each word, not only in this wonderful dedication to her father, but in every poem she writes, her comments are warm and sincere, and one can only be drawn to her understanding of the human race. this is a wonderful contest. and i for one feel honoured to be a part of it. harry horsman. © Harry J Horsman 2012

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 8/31/2023 10:07:00 AM
I remember Carolyn posting this before Mandy' Twice she tried to come to the UK to have some Time with me, I was booking a hotel even and Sorting an itenery of stuff to see Jack Horne Was goingcto drive for her; rest in peace Dear friend.'
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Date: 6/1/2023 10:25:00 AM
Thank you for posting, Mandy and Carolyn. I found you from the Blog 6/1/23. Unless I have it wrong. Harry Horsman's poems are warm in his unique style and are touching to the soul. He was a soulful poet. I will miss him, RIP Harry Horsman. ~I Am Anaya
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Tams The Golden Girl Avatar
Mandy Tams The Golden Girl
Date: 6/6/2023 9:38:00 PM
He is sadly missed by so many Anaya. xx
Date: 5/24/2023 7:11:00 PM
This was heartfelt and touching Mandy. When I read it I could relate to the love shown for this special man. May he rest in Heaven. Thank you Mandy for sharing this personal piece.
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Date: 5/21/2023 8:29:00 AM
Oh it was Harry that wrote it. I see my notes below.
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Date: 5/21/2023 8:25:00 AM
Please see the soupmail I will send you. And by the way, I just love your writing here.
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Date: 3/27/2022 10:39:00 PM
Hi Mandy, made my heart sick remembering Carolyn, thank you for this tribute...
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Date: 2/3/2022 1:46:00 PM
Touching and heartwarming tribute by Carolyn. Hugs
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Date: 12/16/2021 3:08:00 PM
What a kind act by both Harry and yourself. A lovely way to remember both Carolyn and her dad.
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Date: 11/11/2021 3:26:00 PM
Wow Carolyn, put her heart into this piece Such an encouraging portrayal of her loved Father, so good to have read this Harry.'
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Date: 9/19/2021 10:19:00 AM
Harry, Thanks again for contributing. Guess I will go tell you that at your own poetry page!!!
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Date: 9/16/2021 1:46:00 PM
Mandy, I see Harry used your account to get this into the contest. I don't understand why his own account won't let his own submission be entered. Anyway, I do hope you will keep this posted for a long time so that if anyone views the winner list, they will be able to see this awesome tribute Carolyn made to her Dad. (thanks so much, Harry, for finding this one of hers)
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